MELON- Musk- Ger. Melone.
One ounce will plant about 80 hills; two pounds to the acre.
The soil best adapted to the culture of Melons is a warm, rich, sandy loam. Plant in hills five or six feet apart each way, ten to twelve seeds in each hill. When they begin to vine, thin out, leaving only four of the most thrifty. As Melons are very sensitive to cold, they should not be planted till the settled warm weather sets in, in this latitude about the middle of May. Cultivation should commence as soon as the plants appear above the ground, and be kept up once a week until the vines interfere too much.
Jenny Lind- A small, very early Melon of most
delicious flavor; nearly round, flattened at the ends; distinctly ribbed and finely netted, green fleshed. (See cut;) per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
GOLDEN NETTED GEM- A very early, rather small round Melon, with thick light green flesh of luscious flavor. Very productive, of a handsome appearance and very uniform in size; keeps well after picking; lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
Orange Christiana- One of the earliest and most delicious of all varieties; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
EMEREALD GEM--A splendid novelty. See description on page 6; per oz. 25c... 10.
THE PRINCESS- See description with novelties, page 9. In packets only, each... 15.
MILLER'S ORANGE CREAM--A splendid novelty of 1887. Entirely different from any other Melon on the list; shallow ribbed, thin rind, finely netted; the flesh varies from a light green to a rich salmon in color, owing, we believe, to its being a hybrid; flavor is very sweet; per oz. 25c... 10.
Skillman's Fine Netted--Flesh green, sugary and excellent quality; lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c. 5.
Green Citron--Per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
Green Nutmeg--Fruit oval, good size, rich, exquisite flavor; a general favorite; per lb. 90c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c... 5.
BAY VIEW--This variety which is so rapidly
growing in favor is of large size, deliciously rich, sweet and luscious. Our crop of this did magnifcently this year, and our seed cannot be excelled. (See cut;) per
lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
Casaba--One of the largest and best Musk Melons in cultivation. Flesh green, very sweet, melting and delicious; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
Improved Cantelope--Large size, flesh light green, most delicious flavor, superior for market or private gardens; per lb. 90c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c... 5.
Surprise--Thin, cream colored skin, thickly netted; flesh deep salmon color, very thick and highly flavored; surprisingly productive; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
BIRD'S CANTELOPE-- See description with novelties, page 3; per oz. 25c... 10.
IMPROVED EARLY HACKENSACK--A new variety and one of the best grown; oz. 25c. 10.
NEW BANANA--See description with novelties, page 5; per oz. 25c... 10.
Turk's Cap, or Hackensack-- Large size, deeply ribbed and netted; flesh green, thick and of delicious flavor; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
Montreal Market--Uniformly of large size, averaging from fifteen to twenty pounds in weight. Flesh very thick and of fine flavor; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
MELON-- Water--- Ger. Wasser-Melone.
One ounce will plant about 60 hills.
It is of the utmost improtance that all Melon growers should have the very best of seeds, and those who have given our seeds a trial in the past are so well pleased that they continue to use them. It pays to have the best.
Plant in hills eight feet apart and cultivate same as Musk Melon.
STOKES' EXTRA EARLY--See description novelty sheet, page 4; per 1/4 lb. 85c; oz. 25c... 10.
VICK'S EARLY--A new variety of medium size; flesh bright pink, solid and sweet; said to be the earliest variety in cultivation; per lb. $1.25; 1/4 lb. 35c; oz. 10c... 5.
Phinney's Early- Flesh deep red, superior qualiity [quality], early and productive, valuable market variety; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
PEERLESS, or Ice Cream-(White Seeded)- Of unquestionable quality, medium size, thin rind, flesh bright scarlet; lb. 90c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c. 5.
TRUE DARK ICING,or Ice Rind- There are two distinct types of this melon; this one, which we consider the best, is known as the dark icing. It is a very solid sort with a thin rind, and possesses a most delicious flavor; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
OMELER's TRIUMPH- See description in novelty list page 7. In packets only, each... 15.
KOLB'S GEM- See description in novelty list, page 10; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10... 5.
JOHNSON'S CHRISTMAS- See description in novelty list, page 7; per 1/4 lb. 90c; oz. 25c... 10.
Long Light Icing--This strain of the Icing Melon while not as well liked here as the Dark Icing, is still very popular in some sections; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
Landreth's Boss--A new large, long Melon, which is unexcelled in quality and very showy in appearance. You will be pleased with it; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
True Georgia Rattlesnake, or Gipsy--Fruit large, oblong, striped; flesh red, of fine quality. An excellent variety for market; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
Haskell's Excelsior--Flesh bright red, very superior quality, large size, frequently weighing over forty pounds; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
Mountain Sprout--Lb. 75c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c. 5.
Mountain Sweet--Per lb. 75c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c. 5.
Orange--A curiosity. The rind of this variety when ripe, peels of from the flesh like the skin of an orange, leaving it a very handsome fruit to place on the table; per 1/4 lb. 45c; oz. 15c... 6.
Cuban Queen -- This is certainly one of the
largest Melons in cultivation. The skin is beautifully striped, light and dark green; flesh is dark red, very solid, crisp and sugary. They always command an extra price in the market because of their great size and handsome appearance. (See cut;) per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
Black Spanish -- Large size, almost round, skin dark green, flesh red; per lb. 75c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c... 5.
SCALY BARK--The rind is very thin, yet so
tough and strong that the Melons will bear any amount of handling without bursting or cracking open. The flesh is light crimson in color, very tender and of excellent flavor. The average weight is thirty-five pounds. (See cut;) per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
PRIDE OF GEORGIA--Is a dark green mottled color; nearly oval, ridged like an orange, grows partly upon its end; is firm, will ship well, and when well cultivated in good soil, attains a large size, and is very sweet and crisp; lb. $1.15; 1/4 lb. 35c; oz. 10c. 5.
MAMMOTH IRON CLAD--The claims of this new variety are said by the introducer to be, first, uniformly larger in size than any other variety known, the whole crop averaging 50 pounds each, while hundreds of specimens weighed from 60 to 70 pounds each; second, its great attractiveness, the shape being the most perfect that could be desired, being oblong and carrying its full size well towards the ends; third, quality equal if not superior to any other sort, never failing to cut solid, with a dainty red color; rich, sugary flavor, and a melting deliciousness that is sure to captivate; fourth, firmness, making the best shippers in the whole list; per lb. $1.25; 1/4 lb. 35c; oz. 10c... 5.
Sculptured Seeded--Cream colored flesh; per lb. $1.25; 1/4 lb. 35c; oz. 10c... 5.
Colorado Preserving--The best melon for preserving; per lb. $1.50; 1/4 lb. 40c; oz. 15c... 5.
Citron--For preserves; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
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