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p. 33
Questa montangna tanto grande etale
chevede loccieano adoriente
elmar chaldeo edindia amaestrale
evede quello disiria adoccidente
equello ditrebusonda amaistrale
equello dipersia cheglie piu rasente
evede tutta assiria ellachaldea
e dascilocho terra disabea

Vede dove fu lanticha e gram ciptade
dininive in sultigris chefu prima
donna dimperio dimolte contrade
pocho piu oltre dove ilfiume adima
sta hora baldach epiu ladove chade
inmare elfiume vede lalta cima
dellagram torre che nebrotto fe
dopoldiluvio dellarcha noe

Illito delmar dindia aman sinistra
venendo giu diversso loriente
collito dello egipto daman destra
sono inunfilo ditutto oquasimente
presso aquellito fu lagram palestra
de superbi gichanti onde lagiente
tanti linghuaggi parla esene vede
anchor ladetta torre riptta in piede

[Image: Right margin, a line drawing of the biblical Tower of Babel, Romanesque and north Italian in style, in a state of severe disrepair in places, especially at the top and bottom. The structure is rubricated in upper case letters with (label: TORRE DIBABEL). There are four levels with windows and mouldings at each level divide the levels into registers. The first level features an archway framed by an archivolt. On the second level, there is a double arched window with a simple roundel above. On the third, there are three double arched windows facing forward, two double arches on the side. The top level has cracked and crumbled and cracks appear elsewhere across the façade. There is likely an allegorical element to the state of disrepair, representing the failings of mankind. The ground has been schematically indicated with a light brown-green wash.]

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