Susan interviewed the combined members of
the Teen Titans and the 1,4,5s in April 1995.
Teen Titans:
Dean Hsieh: guitar
Phillip Niemeyer: "vocals"
Anna Vinegra: bass
El Diablo Robo: drums
Travis Higdon: leader
Dean: guitar
Anna: drums
"Hey" Gavin Scott: Bass
This is their story.
GW: Travis, I always thought it was a joke when you said you were
going to grow up and rule the world, but tell us about being a garage
rock mogul -Estrus is distributing your seven-inch. How'd that
Gavin: Travis is a genius.
Anna: We're damn lucky.
Travis: When it first came out I sent one to Estrus and I sent one to
Greg Lowery, and I hadn't heard from either one of them until right
before the Rip-Offs show. Greg wrote me a real quick note that said
he liked it and that it soudned like Supercharger, and it was just a real
quick note 'cause he said he didn't want to see me at the show and me
say, "Where the fuck is my reply?" I talked to him at Sound Exchange
and he said he liked it, and he gave me some names and phone num-
Dean and Travis at the Peek-A-Boo Bicycle Rodeo release party
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