Office of the Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Cal.
San Francisco, August 10th 1870
Hon. E. S. Paarker
Commissioner. Indian Affairs
Washington D.C.
Advised of an appropriation by Congress for the establishment of a Reservation for the so called "Mission Indians" and presuming it to be the intention of the Department to [illegible] early acting in the matter, I beg leave to sugggest, that the Order of the President of the United State of date January 1, 1870 setting apart lands in the valleys of San Pasqual and Pala leaves it necessary that t survey be made in order that the lands thus measured be definetly segregated and the boundaries thereof fixed and dtermined. For this Purpose. One Thousand Dollars $1000.00) will be necessary. I [illegible] that monies for this class of expeditions have been specially appropriated by the Provisons of the act making appropriations for the [current?] and [illegible] expenses of the Indian Department etc - approved July 15, 1870
I respectuflly ask that the sum of One Thousand Dollars
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