California U1032 B. C. Whiting San Francisco, Cal. Aug 10, 70
Statement concerning money of San Pasqual and Pala Reservations and [illegible] there of Tule River Indians. Requests $1000 for Surveying purposes
Loughlin [S Cold] for commissioner
Land E/129
Office of the Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Cal. San Francisco, August 10th 1870
[illegible] Hon. E. S. Paarker Commissioner. Indian Affairs Washington D.C.
Sir. Advised of an appropriation by Congress for the establishment of a Reservation for the so called "Mission Indians" and presuming it to be the intention of the Department to [illegible] early acting in the matter, I beg leave to sugggest, that the Order of the President of the United State of date January 1, 1870 setting apart lands in the valleys of San Pasqual and Pala leaves it necessary that t survey be made in order that the lands thus measured be definetly segregated and the boundaries thereof fixed and dtermined. For this Purpose. One Thousand Dollars $1000.00) will be necessary. I [illegible] that monies for this class of expeditions have been specially appropriated by the Provisons of the act making appropriations for the [current?] and [illegible] expenses of the Indian Department etc - approved July 15, 1870
I respectuflly ask that the sum of One Thousand Dollars
2 be furnished this office from the moneys so appropriated for surveys of exterior boundaries of Indian Reservations. And that I be authorized to have the lands so as aforesaid designated, surveyed immediately as preliminary to the gathering there of the Indians.
I am anxious to make an early [commencement?], in order that the land, maybe [illegible?] for cultivation and the Indians put at work as the planting season sets in
So soon as the survey is made. I proposed with the approbation of the department, to contract for the lumber necessary for building fences etc. and place the Reservation on a permanent basis
I would also recall your attention to the recommandations and suggestions heretofore made relative to the proposed breaking up of the Reservation at Tule River as found in my Special Report upon Mission Indians dated December 6, 1867: My Annual Report ofo Oct 10th 1868 and Annual Report of Augt 15, 1869, also Special Report upon Mission Indians by Genl McIntosh late superintendant dated Augt 25, 1869 and to his Annual Report for the year just [ended?].
It facts and reasons therein stated and suggested are as truthful and [illegible] today and need not be repeated as a measure of [economy?] the relinquishment of trusted
3 lands at Tule for those belonging to Government and the [illegible] [illegible] of a large and [yearly?] illegible expense, must [illegible] itself to the Department. The Indians and Property now there can be readily transferred to and subsisted at San Pasqual. I earnestly recommend this change as in the interweb of Government and beneficial to the Indians.
The Securred lands at San Pasqual and Pala are of ample extent to accomidate all the Indians of theh Southern portion of the state: of easy access: and affords [facilities?] for the handling of Indians [illegible] to the Tule River and not suprassed by any in the state.
Very Respectfully Your obdt Svt B. C. Whiting Superintendant of Ind Affs Cala