MF1323.1197 Reel 39_0974



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California M428 W. H. McGrew San Francisco Cal Oct 31 '64

Enquiries in regard to payment of [his?] [a/c?] [for?] services [at?] [illegible] [river?] [or?] at the Mendocino Reservation, and the claim of Harvey L. Beale


[answered?] Dec 6th 1864 Calif sent to E Steele [illegible] Dec 7 1864

[Bottom Left side] [illegible] [written upside down] Cal will give L from 18 to [25?] T

[Bottom Right side] [Stamp] Received At The Dec 5 1864 Indian Bureau

Last edit 6 days ago by ashja
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San Francisco Cal Octo 31st 1864 Hon Wm P Dole Comm Ind Affrs Washington

Dr Sir, On 20th June last , Mr E Steele late Superintendent Ind Affrs N Dist Cal paid me $441, for "services" rendered as Supervisor at Mendocino Ind Res," from 1st July 1863, to the 30th Sept 1863, and reported favorably to your Department for the quarter ending 30th June 1863, for the same amt $441, -The income tax ($9) being deducted out of each qur [quarter?] -

Also at the same time, reported with his reccommendation [recommendation?], for payment the accoungt of Harvey L Beall for fresh Beef furnished the Indians at Mendocino Indian Res upon voucher and aff idavits [affidavits?] [annexed?], the voucher commencing with the date of January 1st 1860, and ending Sept 21st, 1860, for the sum of $2891 87/100,

He (Mr Steele) also informed me that time (20th June) that his information from your Dept was to the effect, that, these claims would be paid here, in four months,

You will see that as to my salary

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it had been due, one year, lacking 10 days, when Mr Steele audited the same, - the correctness of the claim, being, undoubted - as no doubt, the evidence, is in your office, it is a matter of surprise to me that same has not yet been paid.

In regard to the voucher and account of Mr Harvey L. Beale, the evidence of its justness, although not of the same character, is equally clear. The affadavit of Mr. Beale himself and also of Mr Schoefel, who was clerk or book keeper, for the then Agent, Mr Ford, both men of standing and integrity, and then the recommendation of Mr Steele as to its justice, would seem to be suffic =ient to establish beyond any doubt, reasons, for its prompt payment.

I wrote to you upon the subject of Mr Beale's claims, sending you the affidavits, proving its justness, while I was Supervisor of the Mendocino Reservation. I think in July/63 but have never recd any reply to it. I also wrote to my friend Mr. G Gole M. G. from this state, asking him to call your attention to it, which he informs he did; yet with all these things I have yet failed to get a favorable response in the shape of payment. Will you, my Dear Sir, have the goodness to give attention to the two claims, mentioned in this communications, and direct their

Last edit 6 days ago by ashja
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payment as speedily as possible, as to the Beale claim, he has put it into my hands to get for him, if possible, he having tried various means, and persons to do the same thing, since 1860, without effect, and I am not trying to obtain it for him without a consideration, nor would I have attempted to collect the same from The Government, had I not known it to be just and owing.

As to my own salary, as I said before, the evidence of its correctness you already have, - then why delay longer. I should not be so unfortunate in this matter but from the fact, that I am a poor man, and have a family dependent upon my exertions alone for a living. I removed to this city about six weeks ago, and am now entirely out of the money (In truth out of money entirely from ant sources) which was paid me by Mr. Steele, for my services, since the 1st July 1863, and anticipating that by the middle of the present month I would get the [illegible], as he informed me would be the case, and with which I could go into business, in a small way! And what makes the matter worse is that claims against the [Ind?] Department cannot be sold here, nor are they security for money borrowed. I hope, sir, you will give early attention to my case, I have the honor to be very Resp. Yours Wm H McGrew

Last edit 6 days ago by ashja
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Direct to "Wm. H. McGrew Esq. San Francisco, Cal."

[next page]Middle section of the document] California M428 W. H. McGrew San Francisco Cal Oct 31 '64

Enquiries in regard to payment of [his?] [a/c?] [for?] services [at?] [illegible] [river?] [or?] at the Mendocino Reservation, and the claim of Harvey L. Beale


[answered?] Dec 6th 1864 Calif sent to E Steele [illegible] Dec 7 1864

[Bottom Left side] [illegible] [written upside down] Cal will give Lincoln V Johnson from 18 to [25?] Thousand [illegible]-

[Bottom Right side] [Stamp] Received At The Dec 5 1864 Indian Bureau

Last edit 6 days ago by ashja
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