Manuscript Cookbook 230



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19 One Two [?] cake 2 cups granulated sugar 1 cup of butter heat sugar and butter to cream. 4 eggs beaten 1 cup milk - 4 cups flour - 1 tea spoon of soda & 1 of cream tartar, [flavor?] This recipe for fruit or nuts

[Prepare?] 1 cup of walnut meats finely chopped or dates broken open & their stones taken out. or Figs slice up & put into the dough when ready to [put?] into the baking pans.

To prepare [Figs] for layer cake

Chopped fine with sugar after it is chopped put in a little water - stir & the layers of [?] is prepared.

Last edit about 2 years ago by Wickedpug
Needs Review


20 Mrs Athertons Sponge cake 9 eggs - 2 cups sugar 2 large cups flour 1/2 cup of hot water poured in while beating sugar & eggs - 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 of soda - little salt. beat yolks & whites separate beat sugar with eggs sift cream tartar soda & flour together into eggs & sugar & beat well again bake in a quick oven

Cookies 2 eggs 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup butter 1/2 teaspoon of soda 1 table spoon of [?] carraway seeds - bake quickly,

Hazel Hazel [?] adventures [?] penny Hazel and Margaret and [?] and Hazel [and?] [Margaret?] and [?]

Last edit about 2 years ago by Wickedpug
Needs Review


21 To make currant jelly - Carefully pick over your currants yet not pick them from the stems wash - then drain put them in a small quantity of water over the fire & let them cook slowly till the skins of the currants are broken then press out the juice after which boil it a short time, then add sugar not [?] for the of juice ([?] if it is for meats) then boil until it will set in a spoon Amt of sugar 1/2 lb sugar to 1 lb juice or more

Currant Jam Pick currants from stems wash & drain carefully jam them all if [?] add sugar to taste then fill jars up to the rim or full. put covers tight put away in and place without [?] entirely

Last edit about 2 years ago by Wickedpug
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22 To can peaches Pare & halve the peaches remove stems pack them closely as possible in glass jars without any sugar - When full pour in cold water letting it run in between the peaches as much as possible fill to rim of can - Let stand about 8 hours then if any water has sunk away add more & seal up & all is done

Hazel 7 Hazel 1 Margaret 8 Margaret 2 Willie 9 Grace 3 Herbert[?] 10 Arlene 4 [?] 11 Willie 5 Abbott Abbott 6 [?] 12 Arthur 7 [?] 13 Herbert 8 [?] 9

Last edit about 2 years ago by Wickedpug
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23 Stewed Potatoes Peel & slice 1 qt of Pots' Table spoon of butter 1/2 of salt pint of boiling water - put all to gether - Cook 3/4 hour

Scaloped Potatoes - Peel - slice, for 3 [pints?] 1 teacup of bread crumbs - thoroughly dried in oven roll fine. 3 cups milk - 1 spoon butter put in layers with the potatoes butter milk & salt. Cook 1 hour

Fruit dessert Peaches or [bannanas?] peeled & sliced laid in a dish - sprinkle fine sugar over them - then whip cream & a little sugar & pour over [them?] - [have?] all cool as possible [?]

Last edit about 2 years ago by Wickedpug
Displaying pages 21 - 25 of 46 in total