No 29 Cold Pudding. Boil a [pint] of cream with a little cinnamon & the rind of a Lemon grated in - when cool add yolks of 8 eggs & sugar to your taste ---- put in 1 oz of sweet & 1/2 oz of bitter Almonds which must be very finely pounded so as to admit of being rubbed through a sieve, these must be put to the cream when boiling--- when the eggs are put in stir it gently over the fire,-- then put in the mould & keep it in the oven 1/4 of an hour, -- let it go cold in the mould and then turn it out; It is recommended to put 1/4 oz of Isinglass to the cream to enable it to set better it is sent to table with Sweetmeats round the dish. -----
No 30 Veal Pies 1 lb of flour 6 oz buuter, as much suet as a large egg. to be boiled in water -- The butter must be rubbed in-- this quantity will make 10 small veal pies.---- Season with peper. Salt & Cayenne peper---keep the paste warm while you are making the pies when the pies are baked put some [nice] gravy in them -------
No 31 Puff Paste. 3/4 lb butter to 1 lb flour 1 third of this to be rubbed in the rest to be put in at three different times. -------
No 32 Short Paste for tarts 1/2 lb flour 1/4 butter to be rubbed in then mix it up with hot water this quantity will make 6 tarts & four puddings in cups ----
No 33 Currant buns. 2 lb flour 1/4 lb butter 1/4 lb sugar -- 3/4 lb Currrants a little salt and a fine carroway seeds -- 1 egg beat up in a little yeast & as much milk as will make a light dough
No 34 Tea Cakes -- 2 lbs flour 3 oz butter mixed up with a little yeast and milk the milk should be just warm --
No 35 Currant Loaf. Take 4 lb of loaf flour, 1/2 lb butter 1 qrt new milk & a little yeast beat them will together for some time-- then put in 1/2 lb of loaf sugar and 2 lbs Currants -----
No 36 Bottled Damsons. Put your damsons into wide necked bottles or brown jars & be carefull not to mix any bruised ones amongst them then set them in a pan on the fire in cold water let them boil 20 minutes -- they must be left to go quite cold in the water No 37 Orange Marmlade To 12 Seville Oranges take their weight in sugar grate the yellow of the rinds of six of them into the sugar.
pare the other six not thin, put the peels & Oranges ino cold water & boil them 1/2 an hour repeat this three times in fresh water then drain them quite dry & Cut them in thin slips with scissors, Cut all the Oranges & squeeze the juice & carefully scrape out the yellow pulp. mix all with the sugar & let it boil 20 minutes. ----
No. 38 Green Pease Soup. put on 2 qrts spring water broke with a litt soda -- add 1 qrt of full grown pease 1 lettuce & a small bunch of mint & a few of the grenest pea swads, boil till tender -- add 1 qrt of good veal gravy with a turnip & onion boiled in it