Manuscript Cookbook 001



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part of which has been rubbed on the rind of a lemon, then strain it into a deep mug. When it is new milk warm add the juice of 3 lemons & a Sweet Orange, then begin to whisk it untill the whole is white and Spongy, which will take place in an houre, pour it into deep Soup plates & leave it in a cool place till the next day., then cut it into square lumps and lay it on a glass dish. It looks well turned out of a mould.

No 21 Orange Sponge. Dissolve 1 oz 1/2 of Isinglass in a gill of water, it must be a gill when dissolved. Strain it and add the juice of 2 Lemons 4 Seville Oranges & 4 China Oranges & Sugar to your taste. Whisk untill it

Last edit over 1 year ago by BAnderson
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becomes quite thick, then put it into the mould. To improve the Colour boil a little rind in the water you use to dissolve the Isinglass.

No 22 Plum Pudding. 1/4 lb. Suet chopped fine 1/4 lb grated bread, 1/4 lb currants when washed & picked 1/4 lb raisins 1/4 lb Sugar, 1 table spoonfull of flour, a stick of cinnamon & 1 Small nutmeg pounded in the mortar, 3 ggs 2 table spoonful of wine and 1 of Brandy

No 23 Patent Pudding 1/2 lb flour 1/2 lb Sugar, 1/2 lb suet chopped fine, 1 1/4 lb raisins when stoned, 1 lb to be put in the pudding & the remainder to be put round the mould, then you

Last edit over 1 year ago by BAnderson
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boil the pudding in 3 Eggs. & a wine glass full of Brandy. This pudding must be kept for four hours. send it to the table with wine sauce ----------

No 24 Ground rice pudding in cups. A gill of milk 2 table spoonful of ground rice, put half the milk on the fire to boil with a stick of Cinnamon, the other half mixs with the rice. When the milk boils put it in & stir it till it is thick, take it off the fire & add 2 oz fresh butter 2 oz Sugar, the yolks of 2 Eggs and the white of one. butter your cups and bake them in a slowe oven for 1/2 an hour. the rind of a Lemon & the juice of 1/2 a one & a table spoonful of Brandy is a great improvement. Send to table with wine sauce ------

Last edit over 1 year ago by BAnderson
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No. 25 Mince Meat. 1 lb Suet chopped fine, 1 lb sugar, 1 lb raisins stoned, 2 lb Currants when washed the rind of 4 lemons grated and the juice. the white part boil till tender. Then chop it fine, Add 1 oz of sweet Almonds, 1/2 an oz of nutmeg the same of Cinnamon. 1 lb of Apples when chopped, a tea cup full of Brandy and a gill of 1/2 of Wine ------------

No 26 Potatoe Pudding. Boil 1/2 lb potatoes & rub them through a sieve. Add to them 6 oz of clarified butter, four Eggs well beaten, the juice of 2 Lemons & the rinds gratered. 7 oz of white Sugar bruised, & a little Brandy. put paste round the dish, three quarters of an hour will bake this size of pudding --------

Last edit over 1 year ago by BAnderson
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No 27 Plain Potatoe Pudding Grate 6 large potatoes & put them in a sieve to drain. Mix some flour in & thin it with a little milk, until it becomes the consistency of a thick batter

No 28 Lemon Chips. Pare the rind of 1 doz Lemons the cut them in narrow Straws, throw them in Salt & Spring water, let them be 2 days changing them each day. The third day in clean water, boil them up in spring water till tenderlet the Syrup take 1 [pint] of water & 1 1/4 loaf sugar & Boil it 20 minutes until the syrup is quite clear. then put in the Chips and let them stand to simmer.--

Last edit over 1 year ago by BAnderson
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