Manuscript Cookbook 001



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Give the whole a scald, but do not let it boil. before you put it in the moulds straing it & take out the lemon peel.

No 12 Lemon Flummery. Dissolve 1 oz and half of Ising Glass in a pint of new milk. Strain it and put to it the yolk of 8 eggs. a pint of white wine, the juice of 3 lemons & Sweeten to your taste. give it a scald, then stir it untill cold & put it into a mould

No 13 Lemon Custard The juice of 3 Lemons and the rind of one grated. beat the yolks of 4 egss and the whites of 2 mix into it 1/2 lb loaf Sugar, quarter of a pint pint of wine & 3 quarters of a pint of water

Last edit over 1 year ago by BAnderson
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Let it over a slow fire & sitr it carefully till it is thick

No 14 Orange Cream. Dissolve 1 oz & 1/2 Ising glass in a gill of new milk Strain it add a pint of cream, then boil it 5 minutes and when cold add the juice of 10 oranges and Sweeten it to your taste. put it into a mould, the orange juice must not be put to the cream till nearly cold

No 15 Plum Cream The juice and rind of one Lemon. the rind quartered a pint of cream Sweetened to your taste, boiled and poured upon the juice thro a tea pot. Stand upon a table to pour it. put

Last edit over 1 year ago by BAnderson
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Apricots or plums at the bottom of your dish

No 11 Apple Jelly. Gather the apples full grown but not too ripe. cut them in quarters without peeling. to about 1 peck of apples put 1 gallon of water. boil them until they are soft Strain the whole thro a Jelly bag-- let it drop gently thro without squeezing-- Then boil quickly 25 minutes-- with 1 pound & 1/2 of white Sugar to every pint of juice

Last edit over 1 year ago by BAnderson
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No 17 Blanc Mange. Dissolve 1 oz of Isinglass in a gill of new milk, then boil a pint of cream. when you have done so sweeten it to your taste. & put in the Isinglass 1 oz of bitter & 1 oz of sweet Almonds & 2 tablespoonfuls of Brandy, give it another boiling and stir it till nearly cold, do not put it into your mould until it is beginning to set.

No 18 Rice Blanc Mange. 2 1/2 Oz ground rice 2 1/2 Oz loaf Sugar, 6 Sweet & 10 bitter Almonds. pounded fine, the rind of a Lemon pared thin. A bit of Cinnamon, 3 gills of milk, boil these ingredients together, the rice excepted,

Last edit over 1 year ago by BAnderson
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quarter of an hour, then take out the Cinnamon, Stir in the rice, & let it boil up, dip your mould into cold water & put it in, Serve it up cold, garnish with Sweetmeats, or with Cream or with Custard in the dish . .

No 19 Tapioca pudding. 3 tablespoonfull of tapioca, boiled in a gill of milk, the rind & juice of a small Lemon, 1 1/2 oz butter put in Sugar to your taste. When nearly cold put in the juice of the Lemon & 3 Eggs to beat & beat alltogether, 20 minutes will Bake it

No 20 Lemon Sponge. Dissolve 1 oz 1/2 Isinglass in a pint and 1/2 a gill of water. Simmer it till quite dissolved, before you take it off the fire add 10 oz of loaf Sugar,

Last edit over 1 year ago by BAnderson
Displaying pages 31 - 35 of 122 in total