No 2 pickle for Tongues. 1 lb bay Salt. 1 lb, common Salt. 2 oz Salt petre. 1 Coarse brown Sugar all boiled up together taking care to skim whilst boiling. When cold put in your tongues having had them in Salt before . . . .
No 3 Calfs head Ash Soup. Boil a calfs head 2 hours the day before you want to use it cut the meat in small pieces & put in some good beef gravy. and let it it stew in a pan upon the oven. till it is tender, season it with Salt pepper. & Cloves., if the soup be for Company put in force meat balls and Yolks of Eggs . . . . .
No 4 Good fish Sauce. Half a pint of good, cream 2 Anchovies with the bones taken out and chopped Small. A table spoonfull of Anchovie Liquor, the same of Walnut and Mushroom ketchup. half a glass of Sherry a little Lemon pickell, 1/4 lb butter, flour sufficient to thicken it, mix these together & boil it all the time, then strain it, If you prefer it add the wine when it comes off the fire . . . .
No 5 Mushroom powder Pick a quarter of a peck of mushrooms lay them on dishes pour 2 glasses of port wine over them and set them in a cool oven or stove, turning them twice a day. When dry pound them in a mortar and to every oz of powder add 1/4 oz of cayenne pepper, mace and 2
white pepper then, cork them in glass bottles . . . .
No 6 Calfs Foot Jelly. Boil a gang of calfs feet in 6 quarts of water. reduce it to 1 quart, then add to the stock 3 gills of wine. 1 lb of Sugar. 4 large lemons the rind of 3. the whites of 10 eggs & 1 gill of brandy & the egg shells, put in these ingredients cold. let it stand over a moderate fire. take it off when it has boiled 5 minutes. Then let it stand 5 minutes and pour it into the Jelly bag. Run it thro till it runs quite fine, and then let it run upon Lemon peel, cut very thin. If the lemons are small you must put in the juice of 6. a little burnt sugar will mend the Couler
No 7 Fish Sauce. 5 Spoonful of white wine one of Vinegar one of ecencence of of anchovy. & a little nutmeg. let it simmer till one third wasted. when cool add flour and butter to it. Then boil it up. & add a little cream, boil it again and it is ready. No 8 Gossbery Vinegar. To every quart of bruised fruit put 3 quarts of water that has been boiled and is gone cold, again. let it stand 24 hours then strain it. and to every gallon put a pound &, half of brown sugar and 2 table spoonfuls of yeast let it stand 24 hours longer. then put it in your cask with 2 oz of Cream of tartar put a paper over it and let it stand in a warm place till sour
No 9 Sailors Pudding. Half a pound 1/2 or lb raisins 1/4 beef suet, one table spoonful of treacle. to be wet with a little water & boiled five hours . . . No 10 Flookburgh pudding. 1/4 lb Grated bread 1/4 grated apple 1/4 lb butter 6 oz currants 4 eggs 1/4 Do Sugar tea cup full of cream. & a little nutmeg and brandy, keep it boiling 3 hours . . . .
No 11 Orange Jelly Disolve 2 oz Ising glass. in a gill of water. The rind of one Lemon & the juice of 2 as many oranges as will yield a pint of juice & half a pound of loaf Sugar., when the Ising glass is ready strain it upon the juice, then put in the Sugar and Lemon peel