Manuscript Cookbook 001



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The following TABLES, ascribed to Dr. Herschell, and revised by Dr. Adam Clarke, is a rational guide to the foreknowledge of the weather, founded on a scientific estimate of the attraction (and its effects) of the sun and moon for the earth.

New & Full Moom. Summer. Winter. If it be new or full Moon, or the Moon entering into the first or last quarter at 12 noon; or between 12 and 2 Very rainy Snow and rain. 2 and 4 afternoon Changeable Fair and mild. 4 and 6 evening Fair Fair 6 and 8 {Fair, if wind at N.W. {Fair & frosty, if wind { Rainy, if wind at S { at N. or N.E. Rain { or S.W. { or snow, if S. or S.W. 8 and 10 Ditto Ditto 10 and 12 night Fair Fair and frosty. 12 and 2 morning Ditto { Hard frost, unless wind @. or S. W. 2 and 4 { Cold, with frequent Snow and stormy. { showers 4 and 6 Rain Ditto 6 and 8 Wind and rain Stormy weather. 8 and 10 Changeable { Cold rain, if wind be { W.; snow, if E. 10 and 12 noon Frequent showers Cold, with high wind.

Explanation.--1st. The nearer the time of the Moon's change, first quarter, full, and last quarter, is to midnight, the fairer will the weather be during the seven days following; the space for this calculation occupies from ten at night till two next morning.--2ndly. The nearer to mid-day, or noon, these phases of the Moon happen the more foul or wet the weather may be expected during the next seven days; the space for this calculation occupies from ten in the forenoon till two in the afternoon. These observaions refer principally to Summer, though they affect Spring and Autumn to a considerable extent.--3rdly. The Moon's change, first quarter, full, and last quarter, happening during six of the afternoon hours, i. e. from four till ten, may be followed by fair weather: but this is mostly dependent on the wind, as it is noted in the Table.

Though the weather is more undercain the latter part of Autumn, the whole of winter, and the beginning of Spring; yet in the main the above observations will apply to those periods else.

Last edit 8 months ago by nico0407
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LANCASHIRE. [COLUMN ONE] Ashton-under-Line. March 23, April 29, July 25, Nov. 21, for horned cattle, horses, toys, &c.

Bartholomew, near Rudcliff Bridge. April 24 and 25, Sept. 24 and 25, cattle, &c.

Blackburn. Easter Monday and Tuesday. May 11, and 12, for horned cattle, horses, and toys. Oct. 17, horses, horned cattle, and toys. W. S.

Bolton. July 30. and 31, Oct. 13, and 14, horses, horned cattle, and cheese. M.

Booth. Whitsun Eve, Saturday before Oct. 23, pedlary.

Broughton. Aug. 1, woollen yarn.

Burnley. March 6, Easter Eve, May 6, 13. July 10, Oct. 11, horned cattle, horses, and sheet. S.

Bury. March 5, May 3, second Thursday after Whit Sunday, Sept. 18, for horned cattle, horses & woollen cloth. Th.

Cartmel. Whit Monday, first Tuesday after Oct. 23, pedlary. M.

Chipping. Easter Tuesday, St. Bartholomew Aug. 24, cattle.

Chorley. May 5, Aug. 20, for horned cattle. Sept. 5, toys and small wares. T. S.

Clithero. March 24, July 21, horned cattle, and woollen cloth. Fourth Saturday after St. Michael, Sept. 29, Dec. 7, ditto, and horses. C.

Cockerham. Easter Monday, pedlary.

Colne. March 7, May 12, Oct. 10, horned cattle, sheep, and woollen cloth. W.

Dalton. June 6, horned cattle. Oct. 23, ditto, horses and pedlary. S.

Garstang. Holy Thursday, for cattle, and pedlary. July 9, for cattle, cloth, wool, and pedlary. Nov. 21, for cattle, horses, cloth, onions, and pedlary. Th.

Haslingden. May 8, July 1, Oct. 10, cattle, horses, sheep, cloth and pedlary. W.

Hawkshead. Monday before Holy Thursday, pedlary, and horned cattle. St. Matthew, Sept. 21, pedlary. M.

Hornby. June 20 & a monthly fair on Mondays, July 30, horned cattle & horses.

Inglewhile. Monday before Holy Thursday, Oct. 5, cattle.

Kirkham. June 24, horses and horned cattle, Oct. 17, toys and small ware. T.

LANCASTER. May 1, cattle, cheese, & pedlary. July 5, Aug. 11, ditto and wool. Oct. 10, ditto, and cheese. W. S.

Leigh, near Bolton-le-Moors. April 24, 25, Dec. 7, 18, for cattle, swine, & [?].

Littleborough. Spring fair, March [?] and Oct. 13, unless it falls upon a Sunday; in that case on March 2 and Oct. 14.

Liverpool. July 25, Nov. 11, horses & horned cattle. S.

[COLUMN 2] Longridge. May 13, Nov. 6, cattle.

Manchester. Whit Monday, Oct. 1, Nov. 17 horses, horned cattle, cloth and bedding. T. S.

Middleton. Thursday after March 11, cattle and sheep. Thursday after March 11, cattle and sheep. Thursday after Arpil 15, and 2nd Thursday after Sept. 29, ditto. F.

Newburgh. June 21, horses, horned cattle, and toys.

Newchurch. April 29, Sept. 30, horned cattle, and sheep.

Newton. Feb. 12, May 17, July 15 and every Monday fortnight, for cattle & sheep. August 12, horses, horned cattle and toys. S.

Oldham. May 2, for horned cattle, [?] and sheep.

Ormskirk. Whit Monday, Sept. 8, for horned cattle and horses. Th.

Preston. First Saturday after Epiphany, Jan. 6, for horses, chiefly. Marsh 27, horses and horned cattle. Aug. 11, Sep. 7, Nov. 7, coarse cloths and small wares. Besides the foregoing fairs, every 20th year is held a Guild or Jubilee, which begins the last week in August, & continues a month, whereto resort persons of the first rank from all parts, even from London. The last Guild was in the year 1822. W.F.S.

Prescot. June 12, Aug. 24, 21, All Saints, Nov. 1, for cattle, horses and toys. Fortnight market. T.

Padiham. May 8, Sept. 26, for coopers' and other wooden ware.

Poulton. Feb. 6, April 13, Nov. 3, for horned cattle and small wares. M

Radcliffe Bridge. april 29 and 30; the first day for horned cattle and horses; the second day for wool, cloth, and pedlary; also Sept. 27, and 29, in like manner.

Rochdale. May 14, Whit Tuesday, Nov. 7 for horned cattle, horses, and woollen cloths. T.

Rufford. May 13, for horned cattle.

Standish. June 29, Nov. 22, for horses, horned cattle, toys, &c.

Ulverstone. Holy Thursday, first Thursday after Oct. 23, for pedlary. Th.

Up Holland. July 15, horses, horned cattle, and toys. W.

Warrington. July 18, St. Andrew Nov. 30, ten days each, for horses, horned cattle and cloth. Every Wednesday fortnight for cattle. W. S.

Weeton. First Tuesday after Trinity Sunday, for horned cattle and small wares.

Wigan. Day before Holy Thursday, for horses, horned cattle, and cloth. June 27, horses, and horned cattle. (Oct. 29 and 30. M. F.

Last edit 8 months ago by nico0407
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Actonbridge. April 14, Oct. 14.

Altringham. April 29, Aug. 5, Nov. 22, cattle and drapery. T.

Astbury. April 30, Oct. 30.

Budworth. Feb. 13, April 5, Oct. 2, for cows, horses, swine, hats, and pedlary

Congleton. Thursday before Shrovetide, May 12, July 5, Nov. 22, cattle and pedlars' ware. S.

CHESTER. Last Thursday in Feb., cattle. Last Thursday in April. July 5 to 10 Oct. 10 to 15, cattle, Irish linen, cloths, hardware, hops, drapery, and Manchester wares, Nov. 24. W. S.

Frodsham. May 16, 17, 18, Aug. 21, 22, 23, cattle and pedlary, Dec. 13, 14, 15. W.

Halton. April 5, Sept. 19. S.

Knutsford. Whit Tuesday, July 10, Nov. 8, cattle and drapery. S.

Macclesfield. May 6, June 22, July 11, Oct. 4, Nov. 11, cattle, wool, & cloth. M.

Malpas. April 5, July 25, St. James, Dec. 8, cattle, linen, woollen cloths, hardware, and pedlary. M.

Middlewich. May 10, 11, Aug. 5, Holy Thursday, for cattle. T

Namptwich or Nantwich. March 15, June 13, Sept. 4, Dec. 4, 18, 19, cattle, horses, cloths, flannels, hardware pewter, and bedding. S.

Nortnwich. April 10, for cattle. Aug. 2, Dec. 6, for cattle, drapery, goods and bedding. F.

Over. May 15, Sep 25, for horses, cattle sheep, pigs, onions, and pedlary ware W.

Parkgate. April, 25, Oct. 25.

Sandbach. Easter Thursday, first Thursday after Sept. 12, for cattle & horses. Th.

Stockport. March 4, 25, May 1, Oct, 23. cattle and pedlars' ware. F.

Tarpoly. May 1, Monday after St. Bartholomew, Aug. 26, Dec. 11, for cattle and pedlars' ware. Th.

Tintwistle. May 2, Nov. 1.

Winslow. March 30, Sept. 30.

Winsford. May 8, Nov. 25, for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, hats, cloth, and [all?] other merchandize. S.

Last edit 7 months ago by MegLoosestrife
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From London. Population.
Altrincham, tu 183 2708
Chester 30 Chester, W. and s 182 21363
Congleton 21 33 Congleton, s 162 9352
Frodsham 24 10 29 Frodsham, th 192 2770
Knutsford 7 25 14 17 Knutsford, s 1176 3040
Macclesfield 16 36 8 28 12 Macclesfield, tu. and s 1167 23129
Malpas 37 15 30 24 33 35 Malpas, w 169 1004
Middlewich 16 20 13 18 9 18 24 Middlewich, tu 167 1325
Mottram 17 47 25 40 22 16 51 31 Mottram 187 2144
Nantwich 28 20 18 24 21 23 12 12 43 Nantwich, f 164 4886
Northwich 13 18 19 12 7 20 26 6 30 17 Northwich, f 174 1481
Parkgate 36 11 42 16 31 45 26 30 53 30 28 Parkgate 193 Hamlet
Runcorn 24 15 36 6 16 28 30 20 41 27 14 20 Runcorn, f 188 5035
Sandbach 19 25 9 23 11 17 22 5 41 10 11 35 25 Sandbach, th 162 3710
Stockport 9 39 20 33 14 12 44 23 8 35 22 45 33 25 Stockport, f 1797 36707
Tarpoley 25 10 25 15 19 26 14 10 42 9 12 20 16 15 34 Tarpoley, th 173 995
Tarvin 25 6 27 10 19 32 18 14 42 14 12 16 12 19 34 4 Tarvin 165 1020
Last edit almost 2 years ago by cmcutrona
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Lancashire. From London. Population. Ashton-Under-Line ....... 187 || 33597

Blackburn . 30 Blackburn, w. and s ...... 209 27091
Bolton ... 18 12 Bolton, m .... 197 41195
Burnley ... 26 11 18 Burnley, m. and s........ 210 7551
Bury ..... 17 16 6 16 Bury, s.......195 15086
Chorley .... 29 10 11 21 17 Chorley, tu ......... 208 9282
Clitheroe .. 37 10 22 9 21 21 Clithero tu...... 216 5213
Colne ..... 32 18 25 6 22 28 9 Colne, w .....217 8080
Garstang ... 49 21 32 28 38 20 19 28 Garstang, th.... 228 929
Haslingden . 25 8 12 8 9 17 13 13 30 Haslingden, s..... 204 7776
Kirkham ... 47 20 29 32 35 18 29 38 10 28 Kirkham, th.....226 2469
Lancaster .. 60 33 42 32 48 31 23 32 11 36 21 Lancaster, w. and s...239 12613
Leigh ... 19 19 7 25 13 16 29 34 36 19 35 47 Leigh, s....197 20083
Liverpool .. 43 41 33 52 39 31 51 59 42 46 40 53 23 Liverpool, w. and s.... 205 196351
Manchester . 7 23 11 25 9 22 30 31 42 18 40 53 12 36 Manchester, tu. w. th. and s.....186 232578
Middleton .. 8 23 13 20 7 24 29 26 43 16 42 55 18 42 6 Middleton, f.... 192 6903
Oldham ... 4 30 19 22 14 30 32 28 50 19 48 61 20 44 7 6 Oldham, s....191 32381
Ormskirk .. 37 25 23 36 29 15 35 42 29 35 27 40 19 13 30 36 38 Ormskirk, th.....209 4251
Poulton ... 55 28 37 39 43 26 29 39 10 36 8 21 42 48 48 50 56 35 Poulton ... 234 1025
Prescot .... 35 33 25 46 31 23 44 52 43 40 42 54 13 8 28 34 36 14 49 Prescot, tu. and s . . . 197 5055
Preston .... 38 11 20 22 26 9 20 29 11 19 9 22 25 31 31 33 39 18 17 32 Preston, w. f. and s. ... 217 33112
Rochdale ... 11 18 13 15 7 24 24 21 44 10 42 47 20 46 11 5 7 36 50 28 33 Rochdale, m. and s.... 197 58441
Saddleworth 8 24 19 21 13 30 30 27 50 16 48 53 24 48 12 10 4 42 56 40 39 6 Saddleworth (York) .... 195 15986
Stockport .. 7 30 18 32 16 29 37 38 49 25 47 60 19 39 7 13 12 37 55 31 38 18 16 Stockport, (Cheshire) f ... 179 36707
Ulverstone .. 83 55 64 54 70 53 45 54 33 58 43 22 69 75 75 77 83 62 43 76 44 69 75 82 Ulverstone, th .... 261 4876
Warrington 25 30 18 32 20 21 36 39 41 26 39 52 10 18 18 24 26 22 47 10 30 29 30 21 74 Warrington, n. &s. 187 16018
Wigan ...... 25 29 10 31 16 9 30 37 29 22 27 40 7 22 18 24 26 12 35 14 18 23 30 25 62 12 Wigan, m.& f. 199 20774
Last edit over 1 year ago by jcwaugh
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