Pickle Eschalotts Peel & let stand in salt & water then pour off & put boiling water on leave on for some hours repeat several times til they sink to the bottom, then add spice & vinegar.
Stewed Cod Steak Cover with milk & put a little flavouring. Cover close for 20 minutes thicken the gravy & serve. Cod Pie Any remains of cold cod, 12 oysters, suffiicient melted butter to moisten it. Mashed potatoes enough to fill up the dish. Flake the fish from the bone & carefully take away all the skin, lay it on a pie dish, pour over it melted butter & oysters (or oyster sauce if there is any left) & cover with mashed potatoes. Bake for 1/2 an hour & send to table a nice brown colour. To pot Shrimp. Put in the oven with plenty of butter & cover up when hot add salt, pepper, a little cayenne & mace. Then put in pots.