LIST OF BANKERS Bank of England, Threadneedle-st. Kinlock & Sons, New Broad-street National and Provincal Bank, 13, Ladbrokes & Co. Bank-buildings Austin Friars Lubbock & Co. 11, Mansionhouse-st. Ashley and Son, 135, Regent-st. Londong and Westmisnter Bank, 38, Barclay & Co. 54, Lombard-street. Throgmorton-st Barnard & Co. 50, Cornhill 9, Waterloo-place Barnett & Co. 62, Lombard-street 213, High Holborn Bosanquet & Co. 73, Lombard-street 12, Wellington-st. Borough Bouverie & Co. 11, Haymarket 87, High-st. Whitechapel Brown & Co. 32, Abchurch-lane 155, Oxford-street Call and Co. 25, Old Bond-street London JointStock Bank, Princes'-st. Child & Co. 1, Fleet-st. Temple-bar Marylebone Bank, 9 Cavendish-sq. Cocks and Co. 43, Charing-cross 17, Bucklersbury City Coml. Bank, 17, Bucklersbury 98, Goswell, road Cockerell, & Co. 8, Austin Friars 189, Sloane-street Cockburn and Co. 4, Whitehall Martin, & Co. 68, Lombard-street Coutts and Co. 59, Strand Masterman & Co. 34, Nicholas-lane Cunliffe & Co. 29, Lombard-street Maudes and Co. 41, Gt. George-st. Curries and Co. 29, Cornhill Westminster Delisle & Co. 16, Devonshire-sq. Pocklington & Co. 60, WestSmithfield Bishopsgate-street Praeds & Co. 189, Fleet-street Denison (Joseph) and Co. 4, Lom- Prescott & Co. 62, Threadneedle-st. bard-street. Price & co. King William-street Dixon and Co. 25, Chancery-lane Puget and Co. 42, South Side, St. Dorrien and Co. 22, Finch-Lane Paul's Church-yard. Drewett & Fowler, Princes'-street Ransoms and Co. 4, Pall-mall East Drummonds & Co. 49, Charing-cross Robarts and Co. 15. Lombard-street Feltham & Co. 42, Lombard-street Rogers and Co. 29, Clement's-lane Fullers and Co. 84, Cornhill Scott and Co. 1, Cavendish-square Glyn, Mills, & Co. 67, Lombard-st Sharpe, (William) and Sons 8, West Goslings and Sharpe, 19, Fleet-st. Smithfield Hammersleys & Co. 69, Pall-mall Smith and Co. King William-street Hanburys & Co. 60, Lombard-street Snows, Strachan & Pauls, 217, Strand Hankeys & Co. 7, Fenchurch-street Spooner & Co. 27, Gracechurch-st. Herries & Co. 16, St.James's-street Stevenson & Salt. 20, Lombard Street Hill and Son, 17, West Smithfield Stone & Co. 68, Lombard-street Hoare & Co. 7, Fleet-street Stride & Sons, 6, Copthall-court Hopkinson & Co. 3, Regent-street Thomas and Feltham, 42, Lombard-st. Ireland Provincial Bank of, 42, Old Twinings, 216, Strand Briad-street Veres and Co. 77, Lombard-street Ireland, National Bank of, 39, Old Wakefield & Co. 70. Old Broad-st. Broad-street Weston & Co. Wellington. st Borough Johnston & co. 15, Bush-land Whitmore and Co. 24, Lombard-st. Jones, Lloyd & Co. 43, Lothbury Williams and Co. 20, Birchin-lane Jones & Son, 41, West Smithfield Willis and Co. 76, Lombard-street Keil, James 2, Billiter-square Wright and Co. 5, Henrietta-street, Kinnear, T. and Co. Charlotte-street Young, & Son, 11, West Smithfield Mansion-house
1842. January February March 1 S Circumcision 1 Tu 1 Tu St. David 2 S 2 S. after Christ. 2 W Purifi. Can. D. 2 W 3 M
need help plz
Printed calendar for July through December, 1842, with holidays (religious and secular) noted by the dates.