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Friday, July 25, 1947
I made a cake and sprayed the Beans. I cleaned up part of the house. I washed a few pieces this afternoon. I gathered in a mess of Beans and also Butter Beans. Rex hurt his toe this afternoon. Robert's arm is lots better. Robert is going to send Ernest Baugh a birthday card.

Saturday, July 26, 1947
Rex, Robert & I went to town today. I got Robert's hair cut then I took him to Dr. Finley's office to take his second typhoid shot. We waited & waited & Dr. Finley didn't come so I took Robert to Dr. Veal and had him to give Robert the shot. We ate our lunch then. Robert went to Jessie's. Rex took him. Sis was at Jessie's. She is talking about buying a vacant lot near Jim's home. I got a new hat, purse, shoes and hoe's. I am getting ready for the trip to Okla.

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