


Status: Complete

Monday, April 28, 1947
118th Day--247 Days to Follow

I have been
house cleaning
the hall today.
I varnished the
floor and front
door and cedar
chest. Lawrence
& Jean came
and ate Supper
with us. We
played Rook
tonight. Lawrence
and Rex won
the most games.

Tuesday, April 29, 1947
119th Day--246 Days to Follow

We washed today
even if it did
rain some. I
wen't to bed this
afternoon and
read some while
in bed and I took
a nap. Bob Wiley
plowed for Rex
until mid-night
then Rex got
up and wen't
to the field
and aimed to
plow but it
came such a
hard rain that
he didn't get to
plow but a little

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