



Status: Page Status Transcribed

February 13

1931. Wen't to school today &
wen't home in the afternoon.
Ada goes home with me & we
read on a book tonight.
1932. Studied some today. Mother,
Dad & I went to see Mr. & Mrs.
Conley tonight. Mrs. Curtright, Hugh,
& Harpie were there also.
1933. Sis and I washed today. Reck
wen't to town with a load of
tobacco today. Reck and I played
checkers tonight.
1934. I got dinner and ironed
today. I have read a good deal
today also.
1935. I got dinner & ironed today.
Leona & Elizabeth came a little
while this afternoon.

February 14
1931. Stayed at home all
day and finished reading
the book. Studied our lesson's
a little.
1932. Stayed at home all day &
studied some this morning. Dartha
Kirkwood came a little while
this afternoon, Cosby came also.
1933. Sis & I ironed this morning,
and we worked on her quilt a little
this afternoon. I wrote a card to
Mathew today.
1934. I cleaned up the house, got
dinner and patched some. I read
some today also.
1935. I finished ironing & got
dinner & cleaned up the house this
morning. Leona, Elizabeth, & I wen't
to see Mrs. Denton this afternoon.
She isn't any better.

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