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trays, and the smaller black & gold box - also
round - with the pea-
cock [peacock] on the lid.

February 3, 1922 - Friday

I had breakfast at the deaf school according
to schedule, but was late (as I had to whiten my
shoes, in the interval after language and my
going, so they would be sufficiently dry to put in
my suitcase) so they had sat down ere I appear-
ed [appeared]. They had the oil & vinegar in readiness, a huge
cucumber - which I divided with Miss Campbell,
cheese, etc., of which they knew me to be fond. Af-
terwards [Afterwards] I explained the charts to these three, and
then got passes and directions about the trip.
Went back to the Guest House where I had to get out
my thermos bottle from the bottom of my trunk
in order to carry water on the trip; this also ne-
cessitated [necessitated] my repacking; took my bath, redressed,
wrote a note of acceptance to the Y. W.; and cards
to Mrs. C. in Vancouver; Joesphine in Chatta-
nooga [Chattanooga]; Alvira in Louisville. Misses Davis & Nelson
were both away, so suppose they went out some-
where [somewhere] together. Paid Joseph to date on my way
out; got a letter from Mrs. Latta which I stop-
ped [stopped] to read, & thus missed the train I expected to
take, so had a wait of twenty minutes. When I
reached the big station Ma Sein Tha was greatly
relieved as she had taken all her things out of
the carriage for fear I would not arrive. There
was a dotty in the same section with us, and
aside from the fact that she smoked and
drank and had a dog, she was quite nice,
she loaned me her newspaper. We were nearly ready
for bed when we reached Pegu but here we all

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bought some refreshments, tho Ma S. T. had a
tiffin carrier
for each of us.

February 4, 1922 - Saturday

We nearly froze last night as that woman
kept one of the windows open without the
shutter being drawn, all night; I, alas! got the
full force of it more than any one else. She got
off at Thazi to go to Kalaw, a four hour ride.
After getting dressed we had chota about 7,
while she got hers at a station where they stop-
ped [stopped] for about 25 minutes for this purpose.
Later for breakfast we each bought some
prawns, fish eggs, etc., in addition to the in-
despensable [indespensable] rice for the native. Ma S. T. after-
wards [afterwards] bought some sugarcane which she
chewed with relish and vigor; mine had to be
cut up, so I didn't indulge in a great deal. I
read some in "The Burman." I saw more varieties
of birds this a.m. than I've seen in this country
before. Arrived in M. Miss Parrott was at the station
to meet us, and we - after some dickering - went
out in a gharry; later I found she had never
received my card, but Mrs. Elliott had gotten Miss
C's note. After a chat, a bath, & tea Miss P. & I went
for a drive near the fort; returning all the B.
missionaries - except Mrs. Hinton, who has flu -
were assembled for a goodbye dinner to Miss
Thayer who leaves the 6th with Miss Price from
Kemmendine, and the St. J's for America. There
was a birthday cake for Miss P., as her anniversary
comes in a few days, & later we found out that Mrs.
Grigg's is tomorrow. Our party of seven had music
the victrola later and of course more conversation

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