


Status: Complete

is to believe one is not a function of the other; no nation which cares for its people can make agressive war on another; no nation which cares about the individuaity of all men could let the people of its own soil exist as some of the people of this nation do.

A superficial solution would ssuggest that the system functions well, but that it is run now by corrupt men; that representative democracy as we know it can work, but it has somehow gone astray that people are basically good, but have lead down the wrong path. If that were true, then we would have a simple task indeed; an army of young people and others toppled one president in 1968; that same army could be is being reconstituted now, we could topple this one and many of his underlings, replace them with decent people, and our new world would be secure.6

But a perfect system ought to work well no matter how imperfect the men in it; radical change in American foreign and domestic policy takes much more than means a reconstitution of the instruments of power as well.

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