From Julian Bond to Antonio Harrison, 9 Dec 1970



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December 9, 1970

Dear Tony, I have your letter and the press releases; let me know what happened with Frank Reeves and Johnny Wilson. I never have received an answer from Clifford Aleander; I wrote him just after the Board Meeting. Earl Graves confirmed what you said about the mailing list from Black Enterprise; I think in time, they may release it, and when they do, we'll have priority. I am anxiously awaiting hearing from you about your status. I think we should have to get at le3ast our address moved to Atlanta; the New York address just doesn't gowith our name. If you get settled with Frank, I'd like to move quickly to get a replacement; either Johnny or Clinton Devaux, or the fellow I mentioned to you. Ivanhoe knows them both, and has worked with both of them. Either one would be excellent. You ought to get the full board a mailing on what was done at the Board Meeting, who got what amount of money, who won, and what your status will be. Please keep in touch.


Julian Bond

Mr. Antonio Harrison Southern Elections Fund 191 Claremont, #23 New York, N. Y. 10017

Last edit 5 months ago by frogbaby0129
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