December 7, 1970
Dear Bayard,
Thanks for the article. I liked it a great deal, although I do feel you are overly optimistic about the union movement.
I haven't heard anything from Dr. Hare at the Black Scholar about this book, and quite frankly, I am beginning to think that he may be more interested in a quickie publication with articles from a series of black non-politicians.
I have solicited articles from a number of people who are involved in the political process - like Ed Brooke, as an elected official, and yourself, as a non-elected activist, but I am slowly believing that the Black Scholar wants names like Carmichael, McKissick and others to shout out from the jacket of this book.
I will hold on to you piece, let you know what transpires, return it if nothing does, and generally will stay in touch.
I'm enclosing a proposal I've written.
Julian Bond
Mr. Bayard Rustin A. Philip Randolph Institute 260 Park Avenue South New York, N.Y. 10010