From Julian Bond to Joey Odim and Asa Yancey, 7 Dec 1970



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December 7, 1970

Dear Joey and Asa,

Thank you for your kind letter. I am sorry that Asa and I weren't able to make connection during the Thanksgiving holidays, but perhaps we can arrange this affair through the mail.

Most often, I arrange all my lectures through the American Program Bureau, 59 Temple Place, Boston, Massachusetts.

The dates you mention are not good ones from me, because the House of Representatives here will be in session during that period. A Friday night, or preferably a Saturday night is the best time during that period.

Now to specifics. Will travel expenses be paid? Is an honorarium offered? If you prefer ease in arranging this, I suggest you contact Mr. Phil Citron at the above address.

At any rate, best wishes, and please keep in touch.


Julian Bond

Mr. Joey Odim, Mr. Asa Yancey Groton School Afro-American Society Groton School Groton, Massachusetts 01450

cc: Phil Citron

Last edit 5 months ago by DAHaraldson
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