From Julian Bond to Robert Carter, 4 Dec 1970



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December 4, 1970

Dear Mr. Carter,

Mrs. Mazzetta R. Clanagan, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has asked me to write you on her behalf. Mrs. Clanagan is a student in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh. As part of her work toward a Master's Degree in Public Administration, Mrs. Clanagan is gathering information concerning "A Vocational Plan of Career Development for Female Inmates". She would very much like to have permission to interview several officials at the women's facility in Milledgeville, and will be writing you shortly seeking your consent to visit the Milledgeville officials.

This letter comes to alert you to Mrs. Clanagan's request, and to respectfully urge your consideration.

Sincerely, [carbon copy signature] Julian Bond Julian Bond

Mr. Robert J. Carter, Director State Board of Corrections Room 815 Trinity & Washington Street, Atlanta, Georgia 30334

cc: Mrs. Mazzetta R. Clanagan

Last edit 5 months ago by TeeTwoThree
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