From Julian Bond to Harry Long, Jr., 2 Dec 1970



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December 2, 1970

Dear Mr. Long,

This is in response to your letter of November 2. Please forgive me for taking so long to answer. My lateness was necessitated by having to locate funds for your maintenance during your stay in Atlanta.

We have reached an agreement with the Voter Education Project which will provide you with a stipend of $160 each for the period of your stay, or $40 weekly. We will attempt to locate housing for you; transportation within the city is a relatively easy affair.

If this fits your expectations, you should plan to be in Atlanta by January 4 and should report to my office at 361 Lee Street, SW. I hope by then by meeting with the other black legislators to have arranged a work schedule for you.

I wonder if I could ask each of you to send a one page biography so that we might have some better idea of your skills and capabilities.


Julian Bond

Mr. Harry W. Long, Jr. Hamilton College Clinton, New York

p.s. From the $40 weekly must come your housing and food. [illegible] trans-

Last edit 5 months ago by DAHaraldson
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