Speech concerning Ronald Reagan, 1982





State of Georgia stamp Georgia State Senate Julian Bond Senator, District 39

122 State Capitol Atlanta, GA 30334 404 656-7136

361 West View Drive, S.W. Atlanta, GA 30310 404 758-9101

Copyright, 1982 By Julian Bond

This is a season of anniversaries. In the middle of January we celebrated the life and works of the 20th century Moses, the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On February 1st, we began the 30 days observation of Blasck history month, the period of recognition of the trials and tribulations, achievements and accomplishments of the Afro-American nation. Almost unnoticed in January was the passage of the 365th day since the inauguration of Ronald Reagan as the 41st president of the United States. That was an unhappy moment then, and the anniversary of the first year in office of the architect of avarice as social policy is an unhappy occasion now. Then we are fearful--today we know what fear is. A year ago we thought our civil rights were in jeopardy--today we see them slipping away, Then, reagonomics was an unproved economic theory. Today it remains an unproved theory, but its application threatens to make the depression look like a Sunday school picnic.

Last edit 9 months ago by Emily Hemlinger


-2our government opposes abortion, and supports the death penalty-- They believe life begins at conception and ends at birth. They intend to rearrange America to fit their sterile vision, to force conformity with their small minds and smaller dreams. Riding the crest of a wave of antagonism against those Americans who cannot do for themselves, they intend to impose awful austerity on us all.

We entered 1982 facing a recalcitrant congress whose new leadership has already announced its intention to alter and eradicate the landmark legislation which made it possible for black people to enter the political process as equals. This same conservative confederacy intends as well to take the Federal government entirely out of the business of enforcing equal opportunity in America. They intend to eliminate affirmitive action for women and minorities. They intend to emasculate the food stamp rogram, to establish a two-tiered wage system that will force sons and daughters in cruel competition for scarce jobs with their mothers and fathers. They intend to erase the laws and programs written in blood and sweat in the 20 years since Martin Luther King was the premier figure in black America, and black America seemed single-minded in pursuit of its freedom. In a dangerous proposal the president plans to give the several states responsibilities which are properly matters of national concern. His "new federalism" threatens to become the "new feudalism" New York governor Carey warns it will be.

Last edit 9 months ago by Emily Hemlinger


-3He wants to trade constituencies with the states -- his plan takes the tires, poor, huddling masses yearning to breathe free from Washington's back and dump them onto the uncertain mercies of the 50 state capitols, historically hostile to the aspirations of America's poor.

We have done more than change the name of the occupant of the Oval office, the face in the photograph on the Post Office wall. The election began the process of marching America backward into the 18th Century, and surrendered Foreign policy to men who believed that all national struggles for self-determination are directed from Moscow and that nuclear war is a viable option.

At home -- and abroad -- They have surrendered the general good to the corporate will. They intend to radically alter the relationship between America and Africa, to substitute mineral rights for human rights, and have already begun to embrace and endorse the most horrific government on the face of the planet Earth.

Their favored Allies and models in the world community are clients and tyrants.

They prefer the hardware of war to the handiworks of peace. They are the first American government in two decades to use food as an aggressive weapon, to add starvation to the American arsenal. Their ambassador to the United Nations sees people she says she does not know and then denies she has seen them, the secretary of state is a man who, when in the Nixon administration, used to pound on the table with his hands luje tom-toms when African affairs were discussed, the former deputy secretary of state admits he does not know the names of the heads of state of our allies or our enemies.

Last edit 9 months ago by Emily Hemlinger



They support workers' movements in Warsaw and crush them in Washington.

They intend, in fact, to use the power of government to further consolidate wealth in the minority of our population, to redistribute income from the bottom to the top, to undermine the Bill of Rights, to re-introduce big brother to the American scene.

The Reagan administration has begun an aggressive campaign to dismantle and dissolve the civil rights protections written into law over the past 25 years.

The record is clear.

In just the first six months of the Reagan administration, the civil rights division of the department of justice filed five civil lawsuits on discrimination issues, as against 17 such suits in the first six months of the Carter administration, and an incredible 24 in Richard Nixon's first half-year in office.

Under Ronald Reagan, there were eight objections filed under the Voting Rights Act, as against 23 under the previous administration. Now the president has endorsed "a back door repeal" of the voting rights act's most critical safeguards.

Over a century ago, the 15th amendment guaranteed all citizens the right to vote.

But that guarantee was merely a paper promise. From 1870, when the 15th amendment was ratified, until 1965, when the voting rights act became law, the promise of free access to the ballot box remained unfilled.

The act was extended in 1970 for five years, and in 1975 for seven years more.

Last edit 6 months ago by Carlos Perez


-5In April, 1981, republican senator Charles Mathias of Maryland in the senate and many others, and democratic representative Peter Rodino of New Jersey in the house and many others introduced extension legislation.

In May, June, and July, the house sub-committee on civil and constitutional rihts heard over 100 witnesses testify in Washington, Alabama, and Texas thatg the Act's provisions were needed still, that racial and language discrimination continue, that federal protection at the ballot box is still required. In early October, the house of representatives voted 389 - 24 to extend the act. The lopsided vote should have demonstrated to president Reagan that there is no organized opposition to renewal of what's been called "the most effective civil rights law passed this century."

The house version importantly shifts a great burden by requiring only that victims of political discrimination prove the effect, and not the intent, of discriminatory acts. How do you provethat a southern legislature "intended" to discriminate when its new district lines made black voters a permanent political minority? How do you prove that a western state's elections board intended to discriminate when they eliminated the bilingual ballots Spanish-speaking voters need to know what it is they're voting for? How do you know the intentions of a school board that switched from district to at-large elections to keep black parents from influencing the education their children receive?

Last edit over 1 year ago by amyhumphriesuk
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