(Draft) From Julian Bond to 136th House District constituents, Oct 1968





October, 1968

Dear friends,

This is another issue of my newsletter. I hope you have enjoyed receiving it, and that you will continue to send me the names and addresses of other people in our district that you think might want to read it too.

I want to thank all of you who voted for me in the primary. I hope even more of you will turn out to vote on November 5 in the General Election, and that you will not forget to vote for the kind of men and women who will vote for you.

You all know the fine record that former Congressman Charles Weltner had when he represented us. You know that Vice-President Hubert Humphrey has always supported civil rights, while his opponents have done everything they could to keep Negroes down.

For your information, I have listed on the second page of this letter a report on thepprogress we have received with the Democratic administration. If we will continue to stick with the party that gave us John F. Kennedy, I believe we will continue to progress.

I hope most of you have noticed the traffic and street improvements in our District. These include some paving of side-walks, the new traffic lights near Elm and Fair Streets, the paving of Beckwick Street, and the new dividing lines on Ashby Street.

There were a lot of people who got mixed up about what precinct they vote in during the last election. Once again, I am

Last edit 2 months ago by MBrunsdon


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"We should never vote for the Democratic Party blindly, but we ought to consider the progress we have made during the last four years under a Democratic Administration."

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printing a map of the 111th District with each of the new precincts outlined. If you had trouble voting during the primary, make sure you know where you're supposed to vote. If you still have some questions, call the Fulton County Elections Supervisors at 572-2646.

I spent some time away from Atlanta recently. I campaigned in New York for Paul O'Dwyer who is running for the United States Senate; in Indianapolis, Indiana for several Negroes who are running for the Indiana House of Representatives and the Indiana Senate, and in Detroit for three Negroes who are running for the Detroit City Council. I have also been to Macon, Georgia to campaign for two Negroes, one running for the Bibb County Board of Commissioners and one for the Georgia Senate.

There will be at least two other Negroes in the Georgia legislature next year...one is Mr. James Dean of DeKalb County, and the other is Bobby Hill, a young lawyer from Savannah. We are sure they will be a great deal of help to all of us from the Atlanta area.

The City of Atanta has redrawn some of the lines for the eight wards in the city. Although I haven't seen the plan yet, I cannot believe that it will be as good as the one that Representative Grace Hamilton introduced in the legislature last year. I think all of the Negro legislators from Atlanta will take a close look at this plan, and will change it to provide full representation for Atlanta's Negro citizens is that is needed.

Please remember, this newsletter is printed for you...the voters and the citizens of 111th District. In past newsletters, we have told about job opportunities, told when and where and how you can get registered to vote, given telephone numbers for the Legal Aid Society and advantages for older people, we have included some cartoons and some recommendations for candidates running in the primary elections. We hope you will continue to let us know what you'd like to see more of, and that you will keep on sending me names and addresses of those in our District who woudl like to see it also.

We also hope that you will pass your copy to a friend or neighbor. This is my way of communicating to the people who selected me to represent them.

Last edit 2 months ago by MBrunsdon


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Remember, if you have any questions about your new voting precincts show in the map above, call the Fulton County Elections Supervisor, at 572-2646. Call before election day.

Be sure and notice the Rapid Transit question on the November 5 ballot. You will have a chance to vote "yes" or "no" about whether you think the city of Atlanta and Fulton County should have a $377.6 million rapid transit bond issue.


Julian Bond Representative

Last edit 2 months ago by MBrunsdon
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