Registry of Negroes, Ages - Births - Sales
as December 12th, 1858
1. William - (Big Bill) about 37 years of age.
Sold March 1860.
2. Gabe - about 35 years old, married at Christmas
1857 to Mr. Kean's Indiana.
3. Alley - about 60 years old.
4. William - about 25 years old.
5. Jack - (blacksmith) about 30 years of age.
Died during the war while acting as
a wagoner.
6. Thomas - about 19 years of age; purchased of
James Strother, January 1858. Sold
in January 1859 to R. I. Davis for
7. Maria - about 35 years of age; purchased
Fayette Lambeth, executor of his
mother in November 1857.
8. Jane - child of Maria's; purchased at same
time of same person about 5 years of
9. Jenney - about 40 years of age.
10. Ellen - Jenney's oldest child; 14 years old.
11. Mary - Jenney's 2nd child; 12 years old.
12. Dick - Jenney's 3rd child; 8 years old.
13. Henry - Jenney's 4th child; 6 years old.
14. William - Jenney's 5th child; 4 years old.
15. Fanny - about 20 years old.
16. Caroline - Fanny's 1st child; 5 years old;
burned to death in fall of 1859.
17. Becky - Fanny's 2nd child; 3 years old.
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