JONES MEMORIAL LIBRARY LYNCHBURG, VA. Registry of Negroes, Ages - Births - Sales as December 12th, 1858
1. William - (Big Bill) about 37 years of age. Sold March 1860.
2. Gabe - about 35 years old, married at Christmas 1857 to Mr. Kean's Indiana.
3. Alley - about 60 years old.
4. William - about 25 years old.
5. Jack - (blacksmith) about 30 years of age. Died during the war while acting as a wagoner.
6. Thomas - about 19 years of age; purchased of James Strother, January 1858. Sold in January 1859 to R. I. Davis for $1050.
7. Maria - about 35 years of age; purchased Fayette Lambeth, executor of his mother in November 1857.
8. Jane - child of Maria's; purchased at same time of same person about 5 years of age.
9. Jenney - about 40 years of age.
10. Ellen - Jenney's oldest child; 14 years old.
11. Mary - Jenney's 2nd child; 12 years old.
12. Dick - Jenney's 3rd child; 8 years old.
13. Henry - Jenney's 4th child; 6 years old.
14. William - Jenney's 5th child; 4 years old.
15. Fanny - about 20 years old. 16. Caroline - Fanny's 1st child; 5 years old; burned to death in fall of 1859.
17. Becky - Fanny's 2nd child; 3 years old.
18. Henry - Fanny's 3rd child; born March 1858.
19. Beverley - son of Maria; born November 14, 1858; # died 1859.
20. Caleb - son of Maria; born 1860.
21. Charles - son of Maria; born 1861.
All became free and were reduced to beggary by Gen. Lee's surrender.
The colt of the gray mare by "Red Eye" was born September 23rd, 1860. She is named "Lucy" after my little girl and Gen. Lee.