COPIED FROM: THE NEWS - Thursday Morning, September 17, 1896
The funeral services of the late Mrs. William M. Blackford, whose
death occuurred near Alexandria on Tuesday, took place in this city yesterday
The remains reached the city by the 4 o'clock train on the Southern
road, and were met at the depot by a large number of friends and relatives.
The funeral procession was formed at the depot, and proceeded thence direct to
St. Paul's Episcopal church, where the funal services were impressively
conducted by the rector of St. Paul's, Rev. T. M. Carson, who was assisted
by Rev. Dr. J. J. Lloyd, rector of Grade Memorial. A touching and impressivet
tribute was paid by Mr. Carson to the memory of the deceased. He referred
eloquently to the pure and lovable disposition of the departed, and the
indelible impression made upon the people of the city by her years of
residence in their midst.
A feature of the services was the beautiful singing by a full vested
choir. There was a large and representative attendance. The remains were
interred in the Spring Hill Cemetery, and the funeral cortege was long and
imposing. The floral tributes were numerous, and many of them of beautiful
and exquisite design.
The body was borne up the aisle of the church by the sons of the
deceased, Captain Charles M. Blackford, of Lynchburg; Captain B. Lewis
Blackford, of Washington; Major Eugene Blackford of Pikesville, Md.;
Launcelot M. Blackford of Alexandria. Her nephews, Dr. Benjamin Blackford,
of Staunton, and Mr. W. H. Blackford, of Baltimore, were also in attendance.
The pall-bearers were Messrs. R. G. H. Kean, Camillus Christian,
John H. Lewis, F. S. Kirkpatrick, Randolph Harrison, J. W. Ivey, John D.
Horsley, and N. C. Manson.
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