Ladies and Gentlemen: There are some features of gamma graphs about which it is necessary that I should add a few words. In the first place, I must say of the graphs which make assertions about graphs, that since a graph or any other proposition must essentially be represented by its interpretant to be true, which implies that it is really affected by its object, it follows that the object of a proposition must be represented as a subject of force, and therefore as an individual. A graph, however, is not an individual but is a general type. Accordingly, a proposition can only have a graph for its subject indirectly
and I do not know that there is any other way 2 than that the proposition should relate immedi ately to a replica of the graph, considered as such. Accordingly, all the graphs of graphs are strictly graphs of graph replicas and parts of graph replicas. I here introduce you to the following list of those that I shall have early occasion to use. Others will be mentioned soon. Here is the list:
-A is the sheet -B is a point of the points -C - is area of -[Greek letter mu?] is a blank -[unknown symbol?] is a line whose [illegible] -[unknown symbol?] is coreplica with ots its equivalents -K is an enclosure -[unknown symbol?] is a graph replica
g [shown in a circle] the rules of logic of graphs do not require g to be true
-w is a dot w is a point to identify