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2 revisions
jasirs94 at Nov 25, 2016 09:14 PM


Classification of the Sci

Safe-making, Lock-making, Making Registers of Case and Carfares, and the like. The science of Advertizing has, as it is actually conducted, an indirect reference to the Getting-Instinct, but it is a branch of the science of impressing people's minds, and, as such, ministers to the Graphic-Instinct. The same is true of Indexing, Typewriting, Copying, Hectographing, Telephoning, Telegraphing, Ticker-making, Codemaking, etc.

The sciences ministrant to the Gentleman-Instinct, must be restricted to those which concern the house; for genealogy, heraldry, etc. profess to be historical, and therefore, theoretical sciences. Moreover all the sciences of houses must be placed here, since it would not be a natural classification which should separate them. They are in part not exactly ministrant to this instinct; but it is this instinct to which they owe their being. They divide themselves into those which relate to the house itself, those which relate