p. [1]




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Loreto Convent,

Dear Father,

Some letters out of this country were censored during
the late troubles but Sister Margaret wishes you to know some things
about her. During the last retreat for superiors she had to speak
to Fr. Fagan about her promise regarding the Rules. He encouraged
her greatly and advised her to pray for trials. "splinters of the
Cross" he called them, never to be let pass a day without a few. Her
ordinary confessor did not approve of her making that petition and
recommended instead the abandoning of self to God to let Him do as
He pleases with her and all belonging to and relating to her. That
is just what she feels drawn to, so she makes that offering now and
then, especially at Mass.

Your saying that her letters helped you reminded her of
the fable of the mouse helping the lion. Do you remember it? The
lion spared the mouse, and the mouse gnawed a net in which, later,
the lion had been caught. The mouse was grateful, so is Sister M.

That is enough about S.Margaret for the present.

We all got on very well during the late rising, but we were
very anxious. Three of our houses were surrounded by fighters and
two of Ours had narrow escapes from stray bullets. An account has
gone to Mary's Mount, if the censor let it pass, and the people
there will surely tell you about us. In 53 Stephen's Green one of
the nuns was awakened at 11,30 p.m. by the crash of a bullet through
her window pane. It struck the wall opposite and fell on her bed.
She got up to feel, as she said, if she were alive, and then went

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