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April 24th Easter Monday
Two of our young workmen James Waddoch
& Tom Corbally went off early simply leaving
a message in the yard to the effect that they
were obliged to obey orders & go. We little knew
the signifigance of this. We heard afterwards
that when first order was given them to go, they
did not obey but a couple of hours later on
reception of a sealed envelope both left.

At 12.30 Mother General went
to town to pay a short visit to each of our Convents,
half an hour after this, most astounding
news came through telephone - an insurrection
in Dublin, Post Office taken by Sinn
Feiners, who had hoisted Irish Republican
flag over it. Stephen's Green, Jacob's
, College of Surgeons also taken
possession of. Mother General 'phoned to say
she was returning immediately, the cab
man drove them home a round-about way,
and to our joy she arrived safely, a little
after 2.30 p.m. Nuns who were spending the
day here could not return to town - they were

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University College Dublin
