Recent Activity by Jannyp

Jannyp edited 9 in Boyden, Richard - Pension Records in Dry Tortugas National Park Histories ProjectPage Edited
Jannyp reviewed 9 in Boyden, Richard - Pension Records in Dry Tortugas National Park Histories ProjectPage Reviewed
Jannyp edited 8 in Boyden, Richard - Pension Records in Dry Tortugas National Park Histories ProjectPage Edited
Jannyp reviewed 8 in Boyden, Richard - Pension Records in Dry Tortugas National Park Histories ProjectPage Reviewed
Jannyp edited 7 in Boyden, Richard - Pension Records in Dry Tortugas National Park Histories ProjectPage Edited
Jannyp reviewed 7 in Boyden, Richard - Pension Records in Dry Tortugas National Park Histories ProjectPage Reviewed
Jannyp edited 6 in Boyden, Richard - Pension Records in Dry Tortugas National Park Histories ProjectPage Edited
Jannyp edited 5 in Boyden, Richard - Pension Records in Dry Tortugas National Park Histories ProjectPage Edited
Jannyp reviewed 5 in Boyden, Richard - Pension Records in Dry Tortugas National Park Histories ProjectPage Reviewed
Jannyp edited 3 in Boyden, Richard - Pension Records in Dry Tortugas National Park Histories ProjectPage Edited
Jannyp reviewed 3 in Boyden, Richard - Pension Records in Dry Tortugas National Park Histories ProjectPage Reviewed
Jannyp corrected 31 in James Townson Letters in ILDW: Transcribe-a-thonPage OCR Corrected
Jannyp corrected 31 in James Townson Letters in ILDW: Transcribe-a-thonPage OCR Corrected
Jannyp corrected 29 in James Townson Letters in ILDW: Transcribe-a-thonPage OCR Corrected
Jannyp corrected 29 in James Townson Letters in ILDW: Transcribe-a-thonPage OCR Corrected
Jannyp transcribed 2 in John, Frederick: Naturalization Record, Richmond City in Naturalization RecordsPage Transcribed
Jannyp transcribed 1 in John, Frederick: Naturalization Record, Richmond City in Naturalization RecordsPage Transcribed
Jannyp edited 2 in Husemann, John: Naturalization Record, Richmond City in Naturalization RecordsPage Edited
Jannyp edited 1 in Husemann, John: Naturalization Record, Richmond City in Naturalization RecordsPage Edited
Jannyp edited 1 in Holland, Robert: Naturalization Record, Lynchburg City in Naturalization RecordsPage Edited
Jannyp edited 2 in Holland, Michael: Naturalization Record, Lynchburg City in Naturalization RecordsPage Edited
Jannyp edited 1 in Holland, Michael: Naturalization Record, Lynchburg City in Naturalization RecordsPage Edited
Jannyp edited 1 in Holeman, Frederick William: Naturalization Record, Lynchburg City in Naturalization RecordsPage Edited
Jannyp edited 1 in Holeman, Frederick William: Naturalization Record, Lynchburg City in Naturalization RecordsPage Edited
Jannyp transcribed 2 in Hogan, Thomas: Naturalization Record, Richmond City in Naturalization RecordsPage Transcribed
Jannyp edited 1 in Hogan, Patrick: Naturalization Record, Richmond City in Naturalization RecordsPage Edited
Jannyp transcribed 2 in Hogan, Patrick: Naturalization Record, Richmond City in Naturalization RecordsPage Transcribed
Jannyp transcribed 1 in Hogan, Thomas: Naturalization Record, Richmond City in Naturalization RecordsPage Transcribed
Jannyp transcribed 1 in Hogan, Patrick: Naturalization Record, Richmond City in Naturalization RecordsPage Transcribed
Jannyp edited gcls_citycode_1898_ 0082 in Charter and Ordinances of the City of Greenville of Force June 1st, 1898. Together with such Statute Laws as Effect Same. in Greenville City Codes & OrdinancesPage Edited
Jannyp reviewed gcls_citycode_1898_ 0082 in Charter and Ordinances of the City of Greenville of Force June 1st, 1898. Together with such Statute Laws as Effect Same. in Greenville City Codes & OrdinancesPage Reviewed
Jannyp edited gcls_citycode_1898_ 0081 in Charter and Ordinances of the City of Greenville of Force June 1st, 1898. Together with such Statute Laws as Effect Same. in Greenville City Codes & OrdinancesPage Edited
Jannyp reviewed gcls_citycode_1898_ 0081 in Charter and Ordinances of the City of Greenville of Force June 1st, 1898. Together with such Statute Laws as Effect Same. in Greenville City Codes & OrdinancesPage Reviewed
Jannyp edited gcls_citycode_1898_ 0080 in Charter and Ordinances of the City of Greenville of Force June 1st, 1898. Together with such Statute Laws as Effect Same. in Greenville City Codes & OrdinancesPage Edited
Jannyp reviewed gcls_citycode_1898_ 0080 in Charter and Ordinances of the City of Greenville of Force June 1st, 1898. Together with such Statute Laws as Effect Same. in Greenville City Codes & OrdinancesPage Reviewed
Jannyp edited gcls_citycode_1898_ 0079 in Charter and Ordinances of the City of Greenville of Force June 1st, 1898. Together with such Statute Laws as Effect Same. in Greenville City Codes & OrdinancesPage Edited
Jannyp reviewed gcls_citycode_1898_ 0079 in Charter and Ordinances of the City of Greenville of Force June 1st, 1898. Together with such Statute Laws as Effect Same. in Greenville City Codes & OrdinancesPage Reviewed
Jannyp transcribed 6 in Wake Forest College Board of Trustees Minutes: 1906-1920 in Wake Forest ArchivesPage Transcribed
Jannyp edited 5 in Wake Forest College Board of Trustees Minutes: 1906-1920 in Wake Forest ArchivesPage Edited
Jannyp edited page_0029 in Financial records and correspondence, 1867-1925 (Cashie Baptist Church, Windsor, N.C.) in Wake Forest ArchivesPage Edited
Jannyp corrected 4 in Rockwell Keeney Jr 1934 Typed Letters in Student Letters & DiariesPage OCR Corrected
Jannyp reviewed 4 in Rockwell Keeney Jr 1934 Typed Letters in Student Letters & DiariesPage Reviewed
Jannyp corrected 1 in Rockwell Keeney Jr 1934 Typed Letters in Student Letters & DiariesPage OCR Corrected
Jannyp reviewed 1 in Rockwell Keeney Jr 1934 Typed Letters in Student Letters & DiariesPage Reviewed
Jannyp edited DemingHorace18650423_004 in Horace Deming 1865 in Student Letters & DiariesPage Edited
Jannyp edited DemingHorace18650602_004 in Horace Deming 1865 in Student Letters & DiariesPage Edited
Jannyp edited DemingHorace18651222_001 in Horace Deming 1865 in Student Letters & DiariesPage Edited
Jannyp edited DemingHorace18651222_003 in Horace Deming 1865 in Student Letters & DiariesPage Edited
Jannyp edited DemingHorace18651222_004 in Horace Deming 1865 in Student Letters & DiariesPage Edited
Jannyp reviewed DemingHorace18651222_004 in Horace Deming 1865 in Student Letters & DiariesPage Reviewed