


Page Status Transcribed


county: Cass



page-number: 36

Name Crossed Out? No. First Name Last Name Age Regiment Occupation In Service Discharged, and Cause Remarks
42 Thomas Hale 22 84 Died in Service
43 Samuel Shore 34 Farmer Volunteered in Brown Co at Kokomo, supposed to be in 81
44 William Cornell 25 46 Farmer Discharged palpitation of the heart
45 Thomas Bell 30 46 Farmer
46 James Tolen 32 46 Farmer
47 Benjamin F Carman 36 46 Farmer At home on furlow
48 Charles B Roneer 24 99 Farmer
49 James Richards 25 5 Ind Cav Farmer
50 John Vernon 22 81st Farmer
51 Enoch Jones 30 34 Minister
Last edit 3 months ago by ISA_Josh
Page Status Transcribed


county: Cass

township: Eel

commissioner: Lyman R Legg

page-number: 54

Name Crossed Out? No. First Name Last Name Age Regiment Occupation In Service Discharged, and Cause Remarks
1 John Guthrie 33 46 Atty at Law Resigned - Ill health
2 James O West 19 20 Farmer
3 Ransford Howland 26 53 Marble Cutter
4 Samuel Perkins 33 46 Farmer
5 Thomas Robinson 44 46 Laborer
6 Garret A Vannesse 22 73 Machinist
7 Theophilus D Whitney 38 53 Carpenter
8 William W Kenton 24 55 Painter
9 Edward Williamson 21 73 Chair Maker
10 Thomas Mason 26 73 Cabinet Maker
11 Lemuel H Tann 37 46 Farmer
12 John M McTaggert 34 46 Tailor
13 Patrick McTaggert 26 73 Laborer
14 Gassaway Farver 33 55 Tinner
15 John R Moore 27 28 Watchmaker
16 Harmon B Moore 22 55 Watchmaker
17 Thomas A Howes 20 46 Clerk
18 Charles S Davis 25 9 & 55 Gun Maker
19 Henry C Davis 24 46 Gun Maker
20 Robert R Carson 24 55 Machinist
21 Joseph Emory 43 55 Carpenter
22 Ackhart Hamer 18 32 Tailor
23 Edwin R Coulson 20 46 Laborer
24 Madison M Coulson 18 9 Laborer
25 George H Hopper 24 55 Tinner
26 Henry M Ball 28 Civ. Engineer
27 Albert Bohmer 19 19th US Reg Harness M'ker
28 Henry Hopper 18 55 Laborer
29 Isaac Shidder 26 55 Clerk
30 William Aclmberg 24 Laborer
31 Fred S Borges 27 60 Clerk
32 Robert E Stewart 30 9 Carpenter Discharged
33 John Burnes 22 55 Peddler
34 Patrick Cochran 24 73 Laborer
35 John Guyer 26 32 Laborer
36 Frederick Smith Cabinet Maker
37 Leonidas H Burns 21 15 Painter
38 Israel F Burns 19 9 Laborer
39 John T Burns 37 35 Clerk
40 Newton G Scott 39 46 Carpenter Resigned from 46th - now in Western Flotilla
41 Jerome W Williams 26 55 Plasterer
Last edit 3 months ago by ISA_Josh
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county: Cass

township: Eel

commissioner: Lyman R Legg

page-number: 55

Name Crossed Out? No. First Name Last Name Age Regiment Occupation In Service Discharged, and Cause Remarks
42 Norris S Davis 32 9 Carpenter Deceased June 3rd 1862
43 Christ Burgon 36 32 Farmer
44 August Stull 29 32 Farmer
45 Nicholas Smith 27 46 Carpenter
46 George W Smith 31 55 Cooper
47 Luther M Smith 28 55 Cooper
48 James Hook 32 55 Tailor
49 Francis McGovern 28 55 Tailor
50 Joseph L Turner 22 9 Cabinet Maker Deceased
51 Remous Baldwin 22 55 Cooper
52 Henry Hilton 20 55 Cooper
53 George Seymore 35 55 Blacksmith
54 George Rance 26 46 Farmer
55 William H Reeves 21 20 Watch Maker
56 John C Reeves 23 19th Reg'lr Watch Maker
57 William R Neff 37 55 Farmer
58 Isaac Sheder 25 73 Farmer
59 John Maxwell 25 17 Reg'lr Farmer
60 Francis E West 18 55 Student
61 Granville A Black 23 55 Carpenter
62 Ephraim Leath 18 12 Reg'lr Farmer
63 Isaac Rance 19 12 Reg'lr Farmer
64 Martin McLaud 18 12 Reg'lr Farmer
65 John Clifford 35 16 Reg'lr Laborer
66 Patrick Dillon 37 9th Ill Cav Laborer
67 John B McLaughlin 18 12 Reg'lr Farmer
68 Samuel McGraw 23 73 Laborer
69 Michael Sullivan 20 55 Harness Maker
70 Daniel Keef 20 53 Laborer
71 John Furey 40 55 Clerk
72 John Feeley 30 55 Laborer
73 Patrick Murphy 28 55 Laborer
74 James Gallaher 18 55 Laborer
75 Edward Dailey 19 55 Laborer
76 Michael Ring 30 55 Laborer
77 James M Gordon 21 46 Farmer
78 Abraham Peters 38 35 Shoemaker
79 Spencer Warrick 24 9 Ill Cav Harness Maker
80 John C Hilton 22 9 Ill Cav Tinner
81 James Loney 17 35 Cooper
82 Henry Leffert 20 9 Clerk
Last edit 3 months ago by ISA_Josh
Page Status Transcribed


county: Cass

township: Eel

commissioner: Lyman R Legg

page-number: 56

Name Crossed Out? No. First Name Last Name Age Regiment Occupation In Service Discharged, and Cause Remarks
83 William Snow 35 19 Wagon Maker
84 George Baker 23 19 Farmer
85 James H Kay 30 19 Laborer
86 William W Lemaster 21 19 Laborer
87 Alexander Hamilton 21 19 Carpenter
88 James P Pratt 20 19 Tinner
89 John Dugan 23 19 Laborer
90 James F Layton 24 46th Laborer
91 Maxwell Reece 37 46th Carpenter
92 Abraham Swadener 35 20 Cooper
93 John Gorran 17 55 Laborer
94 Daniel Sweeney 18 9th Laborer
95 Henry C Gimmell 18 55 Painter
96 Jesse C Faber 25 55 Clerk
97 John Armstrong 26 32 Laborer
98 Frank McCain 18 32 Laborer
99 Thomas Powers 23 17 Blacksmith
100 Samuel L Sweeney 19 9 Farmer
101 John Gippinger 40 32 Carpenter
102 Peter Kelley 28 19 Laborer
103 Michael Hair 22 19 Laborer
104 Thomas Hair 19 17 Laborer
105 Adam Stone 27 17 Laborer
106 Edward Burk 31 16 Laborer
107 George W Wolford 18 73 Farmer
108 August Gleitze 20 Farmer
109 Gust Dalkey 20 9th Laborer
110 Warren L Wagoner 22 46 Farmer
111 George Falaver 32 9 Cavry Ill
112 Parry Hingate 29 9 Cavry Ill Laborer
113 John Kenton 20 17
114 Peter Doyle 35 73 Constable
115 Ernest Branning 18 60 Shoemaker
116 Richard Tampe 18 60 Shoemaker
117 Landon Farquhar 22 9 Clerk
118 Joseph A Weslake 22 73 Tinner
119 Charles Davidson 30 9th Ill. Cav. Laborer
120 Minam Banks 35 9th Ill. Cav. Laborer
121 Charles Banks 30 9th Ill. Cav. Laborer
122 Ross Vigus 35 12 Clerk
Last edit 3 months ago by ISA_Josh
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county: Cass

township: Eel

commissioner: Lyman R Legg

page-number: 57

Name Crossed Out? No. First Name Last Name Age Regiment Occupation In Service Discharged, and Cause Remarks
123 John F Scantling 25 17 Plasterer
124 Frederick R Bruner 27 19 Carriage Trimmer
125 Julius Meager 20 46 Clerk
126 Patrick Clifford 30 46 Laborer
127 Patrick Dortherty 44 46 Laborer
128 James Williams 18 46 Laborer
129 George E Dodd 20 46 Laborer
130 Terry Dunn 30 46 Laborer
131 William Keef 18 46 Laborer
132 Peter McDermott 40 46 Laborer
133 William Niles 25 46 Laborer
134 John Shea 40 46 Laborer
135 Bradley M Tuttle 21 19 Carpenter
136 Samuel B Cripps 35 19 Laborer
137 William Hubbard 21 19 Laborer
138 William Smith 35 19 Laborer
139 Lewis Vestal 18 19 Laborer
140 George W Goodell 21 19 Laborer
141 Samuel S Garrett 24 19 Laborer
142 Benjamin F Maloney 29 19 Laborer
143 Eram Luther 18 19 Laborer
144 Alexander M Hughston 21 19 Laborer
145 James M Kelley 21 19 Laborer
146 William H Cooper 21 19 Laborer
147 Jefferson W Collough 26 19 Laborer
148 George Johnson 18 19 Laborer
149 James C Brown 18 19 Laborer
150 Dennis McCarty 23 19 Laborer
151 John G McCoy 21 19 Laborer
152 Ananias Bauman 35 19 Laborer
153 Jerry Causton 21 19 Laborer
154 James L Walker 35 19 Laborer
155 Theodore A Baldwin 25 19 Laborer
156 William Shields 22 19 Laborer
157 Charles Hebel 26 55 Clerk
158 Ira R Gifford 40 9th Ill Cav
159 Richard Ellsworth 30 9th Ill Cav Spinner
160 Joseph Randall 30 9 Chair Maker
161 James W Fitzgerald 28 8th Painter
162 William Wallace 40 9th Ill Laborer
163 Frederick Patrick 32 9 Ind Laborer
Last edit 3 months ago by ISA_Josh
Displaying pages 11 - 15 of 40 in total