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county: DeKalb

township: Richland

commissioner: William J Knapp

page-number: 47

No. First Name Last Name Crossed Out? Age Occupation Not Able Bodied, and Why Exempt and Why Remarks Disability
244 Obadiah Baer 40 Mill man
245 Alvin Somkins 39 Mill man
246 Samuel Beck 26 Produce merchant ?
247 Abram W McMillen 31 Freight agent
248 Enos Smith 43 Farmer
249 Henry Heist 36 Mill man
250 Newton Whistman 22 Laborer
251 Henry Kreger 21 Laborer
252 Morgan Willson 42 Farmer
253 Newton Willson true 36 Farmer crippled foot, 2 toes off exempt
254 Harvey McClellan 26 Farmer
255 John W Kline true 35 Farmer crippled foot, toes cut off exempt
256 William Kline 28 Laborer
257 Jacob Kline 29 Farmer
258 Michael Kline 40 Farmer
259 Edwin Smith 21 Farmer
260 Albert Harding 20 Laborer
261 Solomon Harding 28 Farmer
262 Lewis Griffith 25 Farmer
263 Richard Dearborn 35 Farmer
264 James Harding 19 Laborer
265 John L Kryder 29 Physician
266 William J Knapp 32 Laborer
267 Jacob V Warner 36 Cooper
268 Nathan Stockwell true 24 Laborer shot in Shar???? exempt Pittsburg Landing
269 James Pierce true 23 Laborer shot in leg exempt Pittsburg Landing
270 E????ck Noice ? 34 Farmer
271 John Kreger 18 Farmer
272 Richard Wyatt 19 Farmer

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