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county: DeKalb

township: Richland

commissioner: William J Knapp

page-number: 44

No. First Name Last Name Crossed Out? Age Occupation Not Able Bodied, and Why Exempt and Why Remarks Disability
124 Joseph Beard 36 Mechanic opposed to bearing arms
125 William Shoub 44 Farmer
126 Luman ? C Folsom 37 Farmer
127 Frederick Pifer 36 Farmer
128 John Billman 32 Farmer
129 John Warstler 36 Farmer
130 Benjamin Ruffner 24 Farmer
131 Eli Palmer 23 Farmer
132 John Palmer 31 Farmer
133 Jonas Hiney 32 Farmer
134 George Lintz ? 20 Laborer
135 Harlow Mead 25 Laborer
136 Juliua C Mead 35 Laborer
137 Edwin Case 20 Farmer
138 Jacob Thomas 19 Laborer
139 John Thomas true 37 Laborer injury of foot exempt
140 David Thomas 20 Laborer
141 John Talbert 42 Farmer
142 Christian Cramey 43 Laborer
143 Samuel Kramer 20 Laborer
144 Daniel Thomas true 30 Farmer Parti??? paralysis exempt
145 Joseph G Raub 25 Farmer
146 Chrfistian Kannaga 34 Farmer
147 Jacob Ringer 36 Farmer
148 Christian Miser 22 Farmer
149 John Miser 31 Farmer
150 Christian Runion ? 19 Farmer
151 Christian Russ 44 Farmer
152 Nelson Chaney 35 Farmer
153 William H Spear 23 Farmer
154 Gilbert Showers 34 Farmer
155 Andrew Voctman ? 27 Farmer
156 Henry Voctman ? 22 Farmer
157 George McCague 38 Laborer
158 John McCague 30 Farmer
159 George P Harper 29 Laborer
160 Isaac Reed 29 Farmer
161 Cyrus Williams 28 Laborer
162 Elijah Foltz ? 40 Laborer
163 Greenbury Monroe 29 Farmer

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