


Page Status Needs Review


County: Allen



Page Number: 8

No. First Name Last Name Crossed Out? Age Occupation Not Able Bodied, and Why Exempt and Why Remarks Disability
43 Francis Nilor 44 Tailor
44 Jacob Boyer 40 Shoemaker
45 Alonzo Bylor 30 Eng
46 Peter Dorat true 34 Cooper Same
47 Henry Sibres 28 Cooper
48 James McMahon 38 Carpenter
49 August Buynoh 27 Cooper
50 Chas Smith 35 Painter
51 Geo Vanhorn 44 Cooper
52 Chas Herrick 40 Cooper
53 Thos Ryan 23 Labour
54 Enos Pickening 27 Labour
55 Jno Miller 30 Farmer
56 Phil.. Overmeyer true Superintendent Same in right leg
57 Edward Morton 30 Labour
58 John Morton 28 Labour
59 Hugh Gilram 24 Labour
60 John Callyham Labour
61 John Maynoamn 35 Labour
62 John Hogan 30 Labour
63 John Boaron 26 Labour
64 Daniel Hanahan 22 Labour
65 Patrick Shay 40 Labour
66 Fred Kinanaman 44 Shoemaker
67 Jacob Boormand 31 Teamster
68 Rily Nix 37 Shoemaker
69 Wmn McIntosh 31 Farmer
70 Wmn Bloomhuff 43 Farmer
71 Saul Bloomhuff 41 Farmer
72 John Boyne 35 Stores..
73 John Harntle 25 Labour
74 Patrick Mahony 35
75 Wmn Lynis 39 Physician
76 John Dynot Cooker
77 Jerome Davis 19 Labour
78 Casper Coonrod 19 Farmer
79 Mathias Coonrod 21 Farmer
80 Chas Boudi 30 Farmer
81 Peter Coonrod 25 Farmer
82 Chas Stuck... true 36 Farmer Alien
83 Hanma Bayer true 23 Cooper Alien
84 Saboruer Lupkin 36 Farmer
Last edit about 2 years ago by PatBor
Page Status Needs Review


County: Allen



Page Number: 9

No. First Name Last Name Crossed Out? Age Occupation Not Able Bodied, and Why Exempt and Why Remarks Disability
85 Rudolph Leepkin 26 Cooper
86 John Campton true 36 Laborer Alien
87 Tim Shafer 28 Farmer
88 Conrad Colanbey 36 "
89 Leo Dxian 24 "
90 Conrad Galmeyer true 25 Fits
91 Fred Prayer 42 "
92 Fred Ribler 35 "
93 Fred Hitzman 33 "
94 Christopher Ribber 40 "
95 Himm Lepker 39 "
96 Stephen Allguir 44 "
97 Chn Porauyer 44 "
98 Chn Porauyer 40 "
99 Brougham Lonye 35 "
100 Henry Nemeyer 24 "
101 Joseph Ponceclin 25 "
102 James Whrtinytom 18 "
103 Gustoff Spookell 18 Labour
104 ? Lidolph 24 Farmer
105 Bim Ludmick 35 "
106 Fred Beadmiller 34 "
107 Gateluis Shaper 35 "
108 Ernest Beadmiller 27 "
109 Conrad Wayne 37 Labour
110 Henry Miller 32 Farmer
111 Conrad Pupenbinken 44 "
112 Geo Hoovermann 20 "
113 Henry Meyer 20 Labour
114 Barney Mausbaum 18 Farmer
115 Mathias Hoskwrother 39 "
116 Daniel Cantry 22 "
117 Martin Todd 44 "
118 Daniel Miller 25 "
119 Oscar Kilpatrick 22 Labour
120 Tho Kilpatrick 18 "
121 David Miller 19 Farmer
122 Joseph Roualler 29 "
123 Geo Miller true 31 " defect right eye
124 Jacob Fappington 43 "
125 Frank Goebi 42 "
126 Chas Pupenbrink 23 "
Last edit about 2 years ago by PatBor
Page Status Needs Review


County: Allen



Page Number: 10

No. First Name Last Name Crossed Out? Age Occupation Not Able Bodied, and Why Exempt and Why Remarks Disability
127 Joseph Sorafer 20 Farmer
128 Bing Aleyer 40 Brickmaker
129 Marten Cueteubrook 26 Farmer
130 Fred Kiel 27 "
131 Henry Meyer 29 "
132 Jerome ? 22 " defect in eyes
133 Geo Diltz 27 "
134 John Meyer 23 Blacksmith
135 Henry Meyer 28 Blacksmith
136 Wmn McDonald 44 Farmer
137 Emmert McDonald 19 "
138 Henry Frier 25 Carpenter
139 John Frier 33 Farmer
140 Martin McMurtry 32 "
141 Fred Hine 30 "
142 Wmn Hine 28 "
143 Chas Smith 43 "
144 Amos Nelson 23 Journeyman
145 Leonard Stapleford 19 "
146 Michael Kennedy 36 Gardner
147 Casper Kern 41 Gardner
148 Frederick King 37 "
149 August Krckaberg 44 "
150 Samuel Rhodes 22 "
151 John Keck 22 "
152 James Pomens 33 Gardner
153 Wmn Dornta 30 Laborer
154 John Tisoon 18 " not able bodied
155 Patrick Fallan 23 "
156 Victor Bucynot 22 Farmer
157 Geo Austin 30 " Hernia
158 Adam Swartz 39 "
159 John Hinkle 34 Laborer
160 Isw Foster 33 Wagon Maker
161 Mathias Steiner 43 Farmer
162 John Crompton 33 "
163 Roger Finan 20 Labour
164 Nicholas Marian 42 Farmer
165 Frank Sinram 38 "
166 James Akey 39 "
167 Mashall Dragg 21 Labour
168 Henry Shoeppmakey 34 Farmer
Last edit about 2 years ago by PatBor





Page Number:

No. First Name Last Name Crossed Out? Age Occupation Not Able Bodied, and Why Exempt and Why Remarks Disability
Last edit about 2 years ago by Lela
Page Status Needs Review





Page Number: 12

No. First Name Last Name Crossed Out? Age Occupation Not Able Bodied, and Why Exempt and Why Remarks Disability
211 James Lake 40 Laborer
212 Adam Brick 44 Farmer
213 John Gumelent 41 Farmer
214 Henry Hartman 33 Farmer
215 John Allguir 40 Farmer
216 Chn Wise 34 Farmer
217 August Pepe 22 Farmer
218 Francis Bolta 23 Farmer
219 Gust Lody 20 Laborer
220 Leonard Geomer 28 Laborer
221 John Gyline 33 Carpenter
222 Adam Link 42 Farmer
223 Henry Deening 32 Farmer
224 Nicholas Boll 20 Laborer
225 Wayne Tilbury 23 Farmer
226 Soloman Kiyle 40 Farmer
227 Joseph Parkent true 39 Farmer Broken ankle
228 Leopold Ebenk 22 Laborer
229 Geo Birching 34 Farmer
230 Henry Long 33 Farmer
231 Simon Tilmon 22 Laborer
232 Barney Aukenbrook 44 Farmer
233 Tho Bind 19 Farmer
234 Seth Sanpman 25 Farmer
235 Frank Grebe 43 Farmer
236 Henry Briter 31 Farmer
237 Golthub Brudi 29 Farmer
238 Barney Tibbetts 18 Farmer
239 Christian Nester true 25 Farmer Crippled
240 John Schirman 26 Farmer
241 Henry Prupsuit 18 Farmer
242 John Velp 22 Farmer
243 Henry Velp 20 Farmer
244 Philip Kemuoy 30 Gardner
245 John Valdalis 25 Farmer
246 John Cool 26 Farmer
247 Lemmon Noble 27 Farmer
248 Barney Meayher 18 Farmer
249 Abraham Phelps true 26 Farmer Consumption
250 Wm Phelps 30 Farmer
251 David Stilson 37 Farmer
252 James Henchman 36 Farmer
Last edit almost 2 years ago by PatBor
Displaying pages 6 - 10 of 162 in total