



Status: Page Status Transcribed

County: Allen

Township: Perry


Page Number: 85

No. First Name Last Name Crossed Out? Age Occupation Not Able Bodied, and Why Exempt and Why Remarks Disability
124 Jacob Jr Bellot 24 Farmer
125 August Rusin true 19 Laborer Under age
126 Wilson Dancer 20 Laborer
127 Jacob P. Garroll 27 Teacher
128 Francis Mullin 39 Farmer
129 Joseph Buckeye 25 Farmer
130 Joseph Aubry 40 Farmer
131 Francis Jolly 36 Farmer
132 Jacob Harsh 37 Farmer
133 John W. Nelson 28 Farmer
134 Steven Picknew 42 Farmer
135 Adoms P. Bristol 40 Farmer
136 Michael Moon 21 Laborer
137 Albert Gifford 28 Farmer
138 Sherman Pal?or 26 Farmer
139 John Warner 40 Farmer
140 Saml Warner 38 Farmer
141 George Warner 34 Farmer
142 Joseph Warner 36 Farmer
143 Amos Warner 26 Farmer
144 Alexander Warner 21 Laborer
145 Henry Rhinehold 33 Farmer
146 Wm. W. Wilson 25 Farmer
147 John Rhinehold 37 Farmer
148 Enoch Gannon 39 Farmer
149 Harrison Hensinger 37 Farmer
150 John Hensinger 35 Farmer
151 Josiah Bigelow 41 Farmer
152 John Barr 25 Laborer
153 B. Franklin Myers 25 Farmer
154 Saml. Fredrick 40 Miller
155 J. Nathaniel Myers 19 Laborer
156 Solomon Myers 44 Farmer
157 John Gannon 27 Farmer
158 Levi Kestler 24 Farmer
159 Michael Kestler true 26 Farmer Deaf
160 Carrolus Snyder 26 Farmer
161 Jacob Grunk 39 Farmer
162 Edwin B. Harwood 22 Farmer
163 George Daily 18 Laborer
164 Jacob Fair 23 Laborer

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