



Status: Complete




Page Number: 22

No. First Name Last Name Crossed Out? Age Occupation Not Able Bodied, and Why Exempt and Why Remarks Disability
169 George Crush 40 Farmer Rheumatism
170 Samuel Depew 43 Farmer Bronchitas
171 John Dephew 23 Farmer
172 Abner Brown 44 Farmer L? Foot
173 George Vandnsen 19 Farmer
174 Allen Bodine 30 Farmer
175 Terrance Douglep 28 Farmer
176 Michael Douglep 23 Farmer
177 William McRony 26 Farmer
178 David McRony 36 Farmer
179 William Steuick 43 Farmer
180 George Nailor 43 Farmer
181 James P McRony 35 Blacksmith
182 Dennis Dove 40 Farmer
183 Elias Manning 35 Farmer
184 Lorance Major 30 Farmer
185 Lawrence Leettleing 25 Farmer
186 John Leettering 30 Farmer
187 Frank Trusha 25 Farmer
188 D Fulkesin 32 Farmer
189 G.W. Chapman 44 Miller
190 Edward Daily 22 Farmer
191 John W Moslow 22 Student

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