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Collection: Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
Tip: Looking up the genera under Google Images might help in putting a picture to many of these names.
Box 14, Folder 7: Crustacea N.D
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
almost 2 years ago
"P." stands for "Perennial", "A" for Annual in this album.
Chapter VIII, Hordineae, p. 17
Box 16, Folder 5: Grasses of the United States, 1856
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
about 2 years ago
"Brother" is Col. Samuel Stone, Lapham's brother-in-law.
Box 11, Folder 4: Correspondence 1872
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
about 2 years ago
This letter is signed by Spencer Fullerton Baird of the Smithsonian ("S.F. Baird")
Box 1, Folder 2: Autograph Collection
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
about 2 years ago
This letter is signed by Spencer Fullerton Baird of the Smithsonian ("SF Baird")
Box 1, Folder 2: Autograph Collection
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
about 2 years ago
This letter was written in 1858, not 1875 (by which time Robert Kennicott was no longer alive) - "Fish Commission" and the year "1875" were written in a different handwriting, but this letter was written regarding an August 1858 visit by Robert Ke...
Letter from Robert Kennicott to Increase Allen Lapham, August 11th
Box 12, Folder 2: Increase Lapham Correspondence for 1875
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
about 2 years ago
I found several simmilarities between this pages and the following site:;view=fulltext
Box 14, Folder 7: Crustacea N.D
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
about 2 years ago
Melody Raymond
I am trying to help out and transcribe, I opened the page: Chapter II Agroshideae, p. 51, but the page is blank.
Chapter II, Agrostideae, p. 51
Box 16, Folder 5: Grasses of the United States, 1856
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
about 2 years ago
Pages aren't displaying today.
Chapter III, Stipaceae, The Feather-Greass Tribe, p. 114
Box 28, Folder 1: Catalogue of Described Graminae of the U.S., 1856
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
over 2 years ago
Text from following page is bleeding through on many of the pages in this album, just as a heads up.
Chapter II, Agrostideae, The Bent-Grass Tribe, p. 80
Box 28, Folder 1: Catalogue of Described Graminae of the U.S., 1856
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
over 2 years ago
Starting in this album next.
Chapter II, Agrostideae, The Bent-Grass Tribe, p. 37
Box 28, Folder 1: Catalogue of Described Graminae of the U.S., 1856
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
over 2 years ago
I've come across a number of pages like this. It's almost always a duplicate page underneath if you look at the next, or previous pages.
Box 26, Folder 3: Paleontology Notes 7: Acephala: 3
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
over 2 years ago
Illustration blocks text
Box 26, Folder 3: Paleontology Notes 7: Acephala: 3
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
over 2 years ago
Have been denoting male and female symbols as just "M." and "F.".
Carex Straminea, p. 118
Box 15, Folder 12: Grass-Like Plants of Wisconsin
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
over 2 years ago
The geological terms & specimens I probably butchered on this page.
Box 7, Folder 7: Correspondence 1846-1847
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
over 2 years ago
Wisconsin Historical Society
Eric is correct. Describe the chart in brackets. In this case, the title of the chart is in the page, so that could be used. e.g., [Chart titled "Analysis of wheat of the State of New York; from Emmons' Agriculture of New York"]
Box 16, Folder 3: Grasses of Wisconsin 1854
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
almost 3 years ago
Wisconsin Historical Society
Describing the type of information in the list and context should be enough. In this example, something like [List of geological minerals and their general locations]
Box 15, Folder 6: Geological Survey 1873
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
almost 3 years ago
What would be the consensus on lists of things, etc.?
Box 15, Folder 6: Geological Survey 1873
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
almost 3 years ago
I would assume charts and data tables, etc. would probably be low-priority. I've just been denoting them in brackets with what the chart or table is: i.e. [data table of something].
Box 16, Folder 3: Grasses of Wisconsin 1854
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
almost 3 years ago
Not sure how to handle charts.
Box 16, Folder 3: Grasses of Wisconsin 1854
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
almost 3 years ago
Ben W. Brumfield
Illegible text following "Owen"
p. 3
Box 25, Folder 12: Paleontology-Notes 5? Crinoidea A.
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
over 3 years ago
A couple of these pages every now and then are written in latin?
p. 1
Box 26, Folder 6: Paleontology Notes 8 Gasteropoda: 1A
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
over 3 years ago
Several pages upside down.
p. 11
Box 13, Folder 12: Catalogue of the Plants of Illinois 1857
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
over 3 years ago
Page upside down.
p. 12
Box 13, Folder 12: Catalogue of the Plants of Illinois 1857
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
over 3 years ago
Page upside down.
p. 10
Box 13, Folder 12: Catalogue of the Plants of Illinois 1857
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
over 3 years ago
Many words illegible due to the right hand "fold" of the book's page. Thank you.
p. 30
Box 2, Folder 2: Scrapbook - Historical Societies
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
over 3 years ago
"Strioe" may actually be "Striae" with an "a".
p. 1
Box 25, Folder 6: Paleontology II
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
almost 4 years ago
Alexander Dallas Bache?
Letter from A. D. Barker(?) to Increase Lapham
Box 8, Folder 2: Correspondence 1852
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
almost 4 years ago
Krinon is underlined. Otherwise, excellent transcription.
Box 25, Folder 13: Paleontology Notes 5? - Crinoidea B
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
almost 4 years ago
Type-written letters in Julia Lapham folders should probably be transcribed as well.
p. 1
Box 5, Folder 6: Julia Lapham Correspondence, Undated
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
almost 4 years ago
Are letterheads very important to transcribe, or can we just denote them in brackets?
Letter from George A. Follansbee to Julia A. Lapham
Box 5, Folder 5: Julia Lapham Correspondence, 1914-1919
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
almost 4 years ago
*Pepin County formed from Dunn in 1858.
Chapter VII: Dunn, p. 207
Box 23, Folder 6: Geographical and Topographical Description of Wisconsin 1855, Third Edition
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
almost 4 years ago
*Counties formed from Chippewa after 1855: Eau Claire (1856), Price (1879), Rusk (1901), Sawyer (1883), Taylor (1875).
Chapter VII: Chippewa, p. 188
Box 23, Folder 6: Geographical and Topographical Description of Wisconsin 1855, Third Edition
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
almost 4 years ago
*-Wood County WI formed from Portage Co. in 1856.
Chapter VII: Portage, p. 240
Box 23, Folder 6: Geographical and Topographical Description of Wisconsin 1855, Third Edition
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
almost 4 years ago
*-LaPointe County split into Douglas County (1854), Ashland (1860), and Bayfield Counties (1866).
Chapter VII: La Pointe, p. 229
Box 23, Folder 6: Geographical and Topographical Description of Wisconsin 1855, Third Edition
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
almost 4 years ago
*-Bad Axe renamed to Vernon County in 1862.
Chapter VII: Bad Ax, p. 180
Box 23, Folder 6: Geographical and Topographical Description of Wisconsin 1855, Third Edition
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
almost 4 years ago
Page has several illegibles.
Algarobia Glandulosa
Box 22, Folder 8: Trees of Wisconsin 1859, 1867
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
almost 4 years ago
Interesting fact about the Tamarack-the only deciduous conifer tree, at least in Wisconsin.
Larix Americana (Tamarack), p. 1
Box 22, Folder 8: Trees of Wisconsin 1859, 1867
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
almost 4 years ago
Handwritten portion still needs transctribing.
Correspondence between The Bureau and Increase Lapham
Box 18, Folder 1: Meteorology-Clips 1848-1901
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
about 4 years ago
It was Santa that logged on and transcribed this page for me...
Milwaukee Weather Station Opened 1870, has Made 16,942 Weather Predictions', March 22nd
Box 18, Folder 2: Weather Bureau Clippings, 1886-1916
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
about 4 years ago
The top and right sides of the page were cut off when it was scanned.
Box 26, Folder 14: Paleontology Notes 12: Mammals
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
about 4 years ago
Is this the only page with synonyms? Seems like there has to be more pages.
Box 16, Folder 6: Grasses of the U.S. Illustrations
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
about 4 years ago
Were there any further index pages? This one goes only A-C.
Box 16, Folder 6: Grasses of the U.S. Illustrations
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
about 4 years ago
Pages 1573-1575 appear to be missing.
p. 46
Box 4, Folder 4: Typewritten Letters 1871-1875
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
over 4 years ago
10/30/20-Page partially transcribed to best of ability. Needs probable improvement.
p. 28
Box 4, Folder 3: Typewritten Letters 1866-1870
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
over 4 years ago
no notes but error message says I have unsaved notes
p. 4
Box 26, Folder 1: Paleontology Draft 7: AcePhala I
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
over 4 years ago
Year should be 1849?
p. 3
Box 3, Folder 6: Typewritten Letters, 1849-1851
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
over 4 years ago
Corrected page numbers missing for pp. 725, 727-728.
p. 725
Box 3, Folder 5: Typewritten Letters, 1848
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
over 4 years ago
Note: Check spelling of "Sentinel" in previous pages where it may appear.
p. 702
Box 3, Folder 5: Typewritten Letters, 1848
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
over 4 years ago
Page 7 does not appear to follow the bottom of page 6 "at which the chairs and ..."
Preface, p.6
Box 23, Folder 4: Wisconsin: Geographical & Topographical 1844
Increase A. Lapham Papers, 1825-1930
over 4 years ago
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