Minutes of the Elm Street School P.T.A., 1934-1940 (Part 7)





November 8, 1938

The Elm Street School Parent-Teacher Association held its first regular meeting for the year 1938-1939 on Tuesday evening, November 8, 1938. The president, Mrs. Edgar Hartley called the meeting to order, and for a devotional read a passage from Proverbs followed by the Lord's prayer, prayed in unison. Mrs. Schroder made the treasurer's report for Miss Clegg, announcing that there was $8.43 on hand, and that this would be used to purchase five new balls for the playground. Mrs. Hartley extended a cordial welcome to all new parents and teachers. Mrs. Morrison, membership chairman, urged everyone to pay their dues as soon as possible. Mrs. Edwards, study group chairman, reported that Elm Street School led all other schools

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in attendance at the study group meetings with a total of 160 present. Mrs. Schroder reported that the ways and means committee had met and voted to have a barbecue on November 18, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hutchens with Mr. Coffield superintending the preparation. Miss Chatfield announced plans for National Education Week, and urged all parents to visit the school. Mrs. Hodgin gave Mrs. Hutchen's report on student aid.

After presenting Mary Elizabeth Barton, who made an appeal for the American Red Cross, Mrs. Schroder expressed her appreciation for the fine response made by the children to the Community Chest. A total of $50 was turned in, and three Elm Street children appeared on radio programs and before civic clubs in behalf of the

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Community Chest.

A special program of music was presented by the second, third, and sixth grades, and a play by Miss Butler's sixth grade.

Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth C. Kelly, Secretary

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December 15, 1938

The regular meeting of the Elm Street Parent Teacher Association was called to order by the president, Mrs. Hartley, on Thursday evening, December 15, 1938. The reading of the last minutes was dispensed with. The school brass quartet, under the direction of Mr. Kimbell, instructor of band instruments in the city schools, played a group of Christmas songs and carols as a devotional. Reports were made by the treasurer, showing a balance of $13.21; by membership committee chairman who reported sixty-seven members; by the welfare committee chairman who reported that twenty received warm clothing and many are receiving hot lunches; and by Mrs. Schroder,

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principal of Elm Street School, who reported on the attendance for the third month of school; the sale of Christmas seals which amounted to $86.00; donations made for seven Thanksgiving baskets, donations to be made to the Salvation Army Christmas barrels; and the school newspaper.

Following the business meeting, Dickens' Christmas Carol, with Joseph Coffield playing the role of Ebenezer Scrooge, was presented by Miss Butler's sixth grade.

Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth C. Kelly, secretary

Last edit about 1 year ago by High Point Museum
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