


Status: Complete

and was the only drawback to
the pleasure; men were often seen
chasing their hats and the crowd
always laughed. H. had his
tied, it flew off several times
and once, after careening wildly
around, whacked me viciously
on the head. H. came up at 2 o'clk.
I met him at the station. The
grade of the road gradually rose
so that when one landed at 60th St.
we were in the second story and
had to descend stairs and pass
underneath to reach the Fair
entrance. Just before us was
the Woman's [Building] and we stopped a
moment to gaze bewildered.
Take a Graphic picture of it
and use the graphoscope on it
and you will have a much better
idea than I can give you.
We were bound for the Manu-

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