Mrs. Taylor reported that she had planted three rose bushes at
the Ray St., school.
A discussion of the renewals of Garden Gossip was held and we voted
not to subscribe this year - some of the members favored other gar-
den magazines.
It was announced that Mr. Dave Blair would be here during the
Christmas holidays and would confer with coms. from the Garden
Council about the Rose Garden Project. This work has been more
or less at a standstill since the death of Mr. John J. Blair.
The meeting was now turned over to Mrs. J. D. Cox who brought us a
most delightful program on the National Cathedral at Washington.
She spoke briefly of the cathedral, but described the bishops
garden, and the more recently planted herb garden that surrounds
the building. The whole property covers 67-1/2 acres, and the bis-
hops garden one acre. Lovely victrola records of music descriptive
of the cathedral were played by Miss Effie Cox and added a great deal
to the program. Regret was expressed by Mrs. W. C. Jones that more
time could not have been given for the program and it is hoped that
some plan may be worked out whereby this can be done. So much time
is consumed by the business that the program is often hurried.
Meeting adjourned.
Mrs. S. C. Clark, Pres.
Lelia D. Hill, Sec.
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