


Status: Complete

The High Point Garden Club met May 21 with Mrs. W. G.
Ragsdale in Jamestown. Twenty one members responded to roll
call. The minutes of the March and April meetings were read and

Mrs. Fred Bartlett gave a full, interesting report of
the annual state meeting held in Burlington. Mrs. S. C. Clark,
state chairman of Roadside Beautification, added some interesting
remarks to Mrs. Bartlett's report.

Mrs. Stewart, Chm. of the Program Com., read the outline
of next year's program which was discussed and accepted with sincere
thanks to the committee for their work.

There was much discussion regarding the haphazard way
the pruning is done on the city property. With one accord we voiced
our displeasure. Mrs. C. E. Siceloff was asked to represent our
club to work with individuals of other garden clubs as to the proper
procedure to remedy this condition.

A note of thanks for flowers was read from the family
of Mrs. E. T. Harmon, also a note from Mrs. Ernest Wall thanking the
club for co-operating in the entertainment of Mrs. Totten.

The program for the morning was a paper on wild flowers
by Mrs. Bartlett. We realized anew the wealth of native flora in
our state which is not only used for beautification, but for medici-
nal purposes also.

The Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. S. H. Tomlinson in
June for a garden party, the final meeting of the year.

Mrs. Carter Dalton Pres.
Ethel D. Tomlinson Sec.

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