


Status: Complete

The High Point Garden Club met at the home of Mrs. A.S.
Parker Dec the 3rd at 10 o'clock, with the president Mrs. Carter
Dalton presiding.

The Sec. called the roll to which 21 members responded. The
trea's. report showed a balance of $4.37.

It was moved and seconded that members pay their dues, after
which the treas. was instructed to pay $7.50 to the Council for the
year books, and to also pay the state dues. An appeal for the milk
fund for undernourished children was tabled for the present.

The club was asked to furnish winter boquets for the public
library during the holidays, the president to appoint a committee
for this purpose. Members were asked to send roses for the
Junior High School fence to the planting committee.

Mrs. J. D. Cox presented our guest speaker, Mrs. A. W. Plyler of
the Greensboro Garden Club, who in an informal intimate manner
took us on a delightful tour through some of the old world's most
famous parks and gardens. Opening her talk with an appreciation
of the garden club movement as expressed by Dr. Few. She gave a
vivid discription of the Tier Gardens in Germany, in which country
reforestation is the most complete of any place on earth.
Peteroff in Russia, with its ourstanding beauty in contrast to the
squallid life of the people, also their visit to Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owen
at the Danish Embassy. We realized early in her talk that Mrs.
Plyler had not only gotten a great deal out of her travels but has
the gift of sharing with others. We deeply appreciated her coming
to us.

Mrs. Andrews read an interesting article "Fragments From a
Chinese Flower Diary.

We were pleased to have Mrs. W. E. Blair of the Greensboro
Garden Club and Mrs. C. M. Hauser as visitors.

The Club adjourned to meet Jan 7th with the president.

Mrs. Carter Dalton, Pres.
Ethel Tomlinson Sec.

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