July 11th 1933
The High Point Garden Club met at the Home of Miss Virginia
Ragsdale at Jamestown on July 11th at ten o'clock A. M. with the
President in the chair.
In the absence of the secretary Mrs Hiram Armentrout read
the memutes of the June Meeting. These were approved as read.
The President announced the program committee consisting of
Mrs S. H. Tomlinson, Chrmn, Mrs W. C. Jones, Mrs W. C. Idol and
Mrs A. S. Parker.
Miss Ragadale introduced the speaker for the morning who
was Mrs Roger McDuffie of Greensboro. Her Subject was Garden
Literature and she presented it is a most charming and entertaining
manner. Mrs McDuffie reviewed and recommended several outstanding
Garden Books, dwelling particularly on the Gardener's Bed Book by
Richardson Wright. Others were: Eugenics Of Iris, Garden Lover,
Spring in the Little Garden, Beginner's Garden, Flower Gardens
day by Day and Garden Maintenance.
The club expressed itself as being most grateful to Mrs
McDuffie for this most instructive Program.
The meeting adjourned.
Mrs A. E. Tate President.
Mrs H. M. Armentrout Sec ProTem
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