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June 6th 1933

The High Point Garden Club met on June 6th at the home of Mrs
Fred N. Tate at ten o'clock A. M. with the President Mrs A. E.
Tate presiding.

The Sec called the roll to which fifteen members re-
sponded. The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer reported a balance ing the closed Commer-
cial Bank of $92.10. with balance on hand in Wachovia $29.16
This report was placed on file.

The Corresponding Sec. Mrs Jos. D. Cox reported a letter
to Senator Bailey and a reply from him acknowledging receipt
of same and promising sympa thetic attention. Mrs Cox also
stated that she had received a letter from Mrs S. L. Alderman
in which she enclosed an original poem. The club decided to
have copies of this poem made and place same in the Club Book
of Poems.

Mrs Tate reported a deficit in the finances of the
recent Flower Show. This will amount to about $4.00 from each
club. It was voted to pay this amount and to thank Mrs Craven
and Mrs R. R. Blackburn for their services during the Show.

The extent of the responsibility of the Garden Club
Council was discussed at length. It was voted to ask the
Council to dispense with a constitution.

Mrs Tate reported that the Council asked the Club
to vote on organizing a Garden Club in the Mill District.
The Club decided to take no action in this matter because
of lack of information.

Aletter was reported from the State Laibrarian
Mrs Brewer in which she asked that all interesting papers
be mailed to her for use of the State Clubs. Mrs Tate urged
the members to comply with this request.

It was decided to hold the July meeting on the
second Tuesday July 11th instead of on the 4th.

The meeting was then turned over to Mrs V. A. J.
Idol the leader for the morning. Mrs Idol had for her subject
Hospitality in the Garden.

She painted a beautiful picture of what a garden
could mean in the life of the individual. She pictured the
garden as having three sides, the physical, the intellectual
and the spiritual and charmed her hearers with many poetic
references. At the conclusion of her delightful paper Mrs
Idol was urged by all present to send in this paper to the
State Liabrarian so that it might be preserved.

Mrs Joseph Cox read the original poem of Mrs
S. L. Alderman which she stated had been written in the wee
sma hours of a windy night. This was greatly enjoyed.

The meeting then adjourned

Mrs A. E. Tate President
Mary Drew Dalton, Secretary

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