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April 4th

Mrs Cox stated that Mrs W. H. Ragan would like very
much to have a booklet of the Garden Club Poems. All
members promised to hand in to the Program Chairman another
copy of the individual poems so tha this booklet might be
presented to Mrs. Ragan.

Mrs Tomlinson stated that the State Meeting would be held in Greensboro May 17th and 18th.

The meeting adjourned and the members went out into
Mrs Cox's beautiful wild flower garden to enjoy the many
flowers blooming there.

Mrs A. E. Tate President
Mary Drew Dalton, Secretary.

May 2nd.

The high Point Garden Club met at the home of Mrs
W. C. JOnes May 2nd at 10 A. M. with the President Mrs
Tate presiding. Mrs Ralph Parker acted as secretary in the
absence of Mrs. Dalton.

The meeting opened with the Roll Call after which the
Sec read the minutes of the April meeting. These were appro-

Mrs Armentrout reported that the planting at the
Y.W.C.A had been done and that the cost complete was

The Treasurer reported a balance on hand of $11.00
with a few unpaid dues still to be collected. She was in-
structed to pay the $5.00 due on Junior High fence and
$4.75 for Y.W.C.A planting. This letter sum being over
and above the $10.00 allotted for use by Mrs Armentrout for
this work. The Treasurer's report was accepted.

The club went on record as favoring a joint Year Book
for the coming year 1933-1934.

A report was brought from the Council of Garden Clubs
urging all members to take all their surplus plants to the
Chamber of Commerce.

In a discussion of the coming flower show the Club
opposed a sweepstake prize. The Council favored it.

The club members were urged to support Mrs Craven
and a special plea was made for entrys in the special
arrangement class.

Mrs Taylor and Mrs Diffee promised to give two
hours at flower Show taking tickets.

The club favored a general reprot to be given by
the President of the Council Of Garden Clubs at the State
meeting in Greensboro.

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