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April 4th.

The High Point Garden Club met on April 4th with Mrs
Joseph D. Cox at 10 o'clock with the President Mrs Tate pre-
siding. Twenty six members responded to the Roll Call. The
Sec. read the minutes of the March meeting which were approv-
ed as read.

Mrs H. A. White reported on plans made for the
coming Flower show to be held in May. Mrs Bruce Craven will
assume charge as general chairman of the Show on a 25 cent basis
of the proceeds. General satisfaction was expressed that so
competent a person as Mrs Craven would manage the Show. Mrs
White solicited the full support of all members in the under-
taking. She announced that there would be no display of
gardens nor would there be any prizes other than ribbons
given. This would put the show on a basis of real love of
flowers. The club accepted Mrs White's report with thanks
and pledged whole hearted support in the Flower Show.

Mrs Clayton the Treasurer reported a balance on
hand April 1st of $19.09. This report was placed on file

Mrs White reported that the Council had decided
to proceed with the Junior Garden Club work thru the Parent
Teacher Organization.

Mrs White further reported that the proposed
fence for the Junior High School was most necessary and that
all the Garden Clubs represented in the Council had pledged
five dollars to this cause.

Mrs Tate asked the Club to elect a nominating
committee to prepare a slate of the Officers for the coming
year. Those elected were Mrs W. C. Jones chairman, Mrs
Ralph Parker and Mrs Steve Clark.

Mrs Tate asked that a letter of sympathy be
written for the Club to Mrs J. E. Kirkman by the Correspond-
ing Secretary Mrs Joseph D. Cox.

The Secretary read a detailed report of the
work done on the High Point College Campus. Mrs White told
of the labor and of the many donation from individuals. The
Club accepted the report and expressed pleasure at the gratifying
results accomplished.

The meeting was then turned over to the program
chairman who presented Mrs F. R. Taylor as the leader. Mrs
Taylor had for her subject "Garden Pests" and deminstrated to
her hearers that she was familiar with most of the pests that
attack our gardens. Many questions were asked in a round table
discussion and much valuable information exchanged.

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